Loul Deng True Super Star

Loul Deng True Super Star

04-19-2007, 02:13 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=100&msg=1176945205&rn=0

Post: #1
Title: Loul Deng True Super Star
Author: Yousef Hassan
Date: 04-19-2007, 02:13 AM

Let's support this fella, he is one of the the few good things we have as Sudanese. Well he is the best thing we have

Post: #2
Title: Re: Loul Deng True Super Star
Author: حيدر حسن ميرغني
Date: 04-19-2007, 02:25 AM
Parent: #1

الاخ يوسف

فعلا الموهوب دينق يستحق منا كل الدعم والمؤازرة في مسيرته الرياضية المشرَفة

فهو فخر لنا جميعاً في هذا المضمار الجميل الذي يساوي فيه اللاعب الواحد مجهود فرق رياضية بحالها

ورغم منحه الجنسية البريطانية يظل في اعيننا بطل سوداني شق طريقه بمفرده وسط عمالقة هذه اللعبة

اتابع ما ينشر عنه بكل فخر واعزاز وشكرا لك على الاحتفاء بهذا البطل المنسي:

Quote: NBA star Luol Deng is on course to lead Great Britain in the 2012 London Olympics after being granted a British passport.

The 6ft 9in forward is one of Britain's highest paid sportsman - he is halfway through a four-year contract worth £5.6million - and he averaged 14.3points and six rebounds per game for the Chicago Bulls last season.

He was born in the Sudan 21 years ago but grew up in London between the ages of nine and 15, playing basketball with the Brixton Bobcats. He then starred in NCAA with top US college outfit Duke before becoming a big favourite with Bulls fans in the Windy City.

"This is great news," said Arsenal supporter Deng. "Although I've been living in the US for a number of years, London will always be my home. It's the city I grew up in and where my family lives today."

Great Britain coach Chris Finch is delighted with the news and said: "With Luol, we get unbelievable talent and an athlete with size. "What I've liked most of all when I've seen him is that he has the ability to make those around him better."

Deng has spent the last two summers in London helping promote basketball through the Nike Midnight Madness tournaments. He has then taken the top players in the competition to Chicago to learn more about the game.

Great Britain need to win all four European qualifiers next summer to reach Division A and Finch added:

"This will bring others on board - his support has been fantastic. He's upped the ante in terms of commitment. I don't think of Luol as a saviour - I don't think we need saving - but he's a heck of a piece of a puzzle to have. Does the future look brighter with Luol Deng on board? Of course it does."


Post: #3
Title: Luol Deng True Superstar
Author: Yousef Hassan
Date: 04-19-2007, 02:25 AM
Parent: #1


Post: #4
Title: Re: Luol Deng True Superstar
Author: doma
Date: 04-19-2007, 04:42 AM
Parent: #3


Post: #5
Title: Re: Loul Deng True Super Star
Author: Ashraf el-Halabi
Date: 04-19-2007, 07:02 AM
Parent: #1