unbelievable ya ENGLAND

unbelievable ya ENGLAND

06-07-2002, 02:46 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=1&msg=1023457613&rn=9

Post: #1
Title: unbelievable ya ENGLAND
Author: sama7
Date: 06-07-2002, 02:46 PM
Parent: #0

for the first time since 1966 england beats argentina
do u believe it?
BECKHAM 3amala...looooooooooool
3ajabny le mudeerom al sweden da
ma yestahal kan yet3'alib

Post: #2
Title: Re: unbelievable ya ENGLAND
Author: Elkhawad
Date: 06-07-2002, 02:49 PM
Parent: #1

لاكن يستاهلو ياسماح
لعبو احسن من الارجنتين بي كتير
والذه حاجه انو كده المجموعات كلها
جاطت وكل المرشحين بقو مجهجهين

Post: #3
Title: Re: unbelievable ya ENGLAND
Author: sama7
Date: 06-07-2002, 02:52 PM
Parent: #2

wallahi ja6at jo6a shadeeda
ana 7alty khatta alkas lil argentine doona munafis
lakin kan deil 3amalo feeha kida
ma zanneat
lakin i think al taghyeer fil second half azahom shwaia

Post: #4
Title: Re: unbelievable ya ENGLAND
Author: eyes of liberty
Date: 06-07-2002, 03:44 PM
Parent: #3

ما يستاهلوا الفوز الانجليز ): لعبهم زي الدافوري و اكتر
هاردلك للارجنتين و الله ما يستاهلوا الهزيمة و انتي يا عميلة الانجليز
عاملا ليهم دعاية كمان في البورد ؟؟؟


Post: #5
Title: Re: unbelievable ya ENGLAND
Author: motaz
Date: 06-07-2002, 04:29 PM
Parent: #4

bema eno konta dayeer alarganteen tfooz 3shan al england deel mosta3mereen wa waroona alweel laken mabrook ya sama7

Post: #6
Title: Re: unbelievable ya ENGLAND
Author: Rakoba
Date: 06-07-2002, 05:28 PM
Parent: #1


Post: #7
Title: Re: unbelievable ya ENGLAND
Author: 7abib_alkul
Date: 06-07-2002, 07:14 PM
Parent: #6

1966 دا تاريخ ميلادك
ههههههههههههههههه يكه كما ضحك الزول

Post: #8
Title: Re: unbelievable ya ENGLAND
Author: 3asoola
Date: 06-07-2002, 08:06 PM
Parent: #7

Go Beckhaaaaaaam Go Beckhaaaaaaaaam loooooooool walay fi3laaaaaaan
unbelievable lakin li3bo kowayis walayyyyy wo kman 3ashan ana 7i'drta al match kolo awl match ag3od fyho bay sabab alimti7anattttt aha aldayir any team yafooz bss yadyny '7abr looooooool

SAMO7AAAAAA ya byt alkora dy 7atjyb laik ur As & Bs????????????

Post: #9
Title: وفيها كوره
Author: willeim andrea
Date: 06-07-2002, 08:59 PM
Parent: #1

سموحه وكمان بتلعبي كوره ماشاء الله

Post: #10
Title: Re: وفيها كوره
Author: sama7
Date: 06-09-2002, 01:06 AM

eyes of liberty:
ana 3ameela???????????
la wallahi 3ajibny 7obbak lil canadians
amshy agra alkalam kwais ba3dein ta3al shakil
a7san leak ana banady leak al(FA7AL)

inti btshaji3eehom?

thanx lilidafa wallahi ana zaty zayak
im disappionted fi batistuta

salamtak opppppppppps

thanx 3ala musharaktak
lakin ana maboot fil football

Post: #11
Title: Re: وفيها كوره
Author: Zaki
Date: 06-09-2002, 01:26 AM
Parent: #10

Salam Samah
Friday was a very tense day at my end. Glasgow streets were virtually empty and our students were very tense as it was the day results are announced. To my surprise I found that their depression was not caused by their wait for the results -or bad expectations- but by Beckams's penalty. Although the exam results were better than what most of them expected, none of them was in the mood to celebrate. Beckam spoiled their day!

Post: #12
Title: Re: وفيها كوره
Author: eyes of liberty
Date: 06-09-2002, 04:06 AM
Parent: #11


لا يغرنك كتاباتي عن الجعلية
فنحن الملوك وهم الرعية
اما بلغك بأن البديرية
نيران القرآن عندهم صبحا و عشية

قال الفحل قال

Post: #13
Title: Re: وفيها كوره
Author: EMU إيمو
Date: 06-09-2002, 09:38 AM
Parent: #12

إزيك يا سموحة
ديفيد بيكهام العملها في الأرجنتين
كانت لابد منها لمعادلة تلك التي عملها
ولكن العملها بيكهام في الكوريات واليابانيات
لم يسبق علها مثيل

Post: #14
Title: Re: وفيها كوره
Author: Asal2
Date: 06-09-2002, 09:40 AM
Parent: #13

looooool malik 3aleeena ya bit? lool bita3 sweden da malo yaho sweden la3abo ma3a england 1-1 and if england wasn't lucky sweden would win they were stronger than u guys u just had pure luck that's all...lol

second beckham owen and everybody sucked wlalahi they haven't been practising good I think! loool.:P

Post: #15
Title: Re: وفيها كوره
Author: sama7
Date: 06-09-2002, 12:15 PM
Parent: #14

i know inahom ma yesta7egooha
bs about al sweden i wz talking about mudeer england
cuz he is sweden
and in da match against deilak kaman
kul wa7id mnahom li3eb better in 1 half
so altanija kanat ma3goola

beckham albe3mala akbar mn kida
lakin bardo ma be7a9il revaldo (wala ma kida)?
seme3ta galo 7aygharemooho 3shan kazzab

he spoiled yoamna kullana
and on friday i didnt go out
cuz i didnt wanna c them celebrating

wallahi titkallam mn alleala le ba3ad bokra fil ja3aleya
ms tanaggis mnahom 7aja
ani7na awlad balad nag3od nagoom 3ala keifna
(alkilab tanba7 o aljimal masha)
almathal da lil7agdeeb bssssss
o ma aghraboha gissa
bet6awel lisanak feehom
o inta mn yusa6ir amjadom hna fil board da
asma3ny a7san leak bee3 gissat bedereya di
a9lahom 7atta fil tareekh ma sme3na beahom
ta3al ani7na alja3aleyeen kareemeen
binitkaffal beak
3ala alagal ykoon 3endak history 3azeem zai da
ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaai

66 da ma tareekh meelady
actually da lamma masheat almadrasa
o kaman lamma 7ederta semaytak

Post: #16
Title: Re: وفيها كوره
Author: eyes of liberty
Date: 06-09-2002, 06:50 PM
Parent: #15


والله لسانك طويل بشكل
لكن اصبري , بيجي الخريف و اللواري بتقيف
قال انجلترا قال
وحدكم دوري ال16
حاتركبوا التونسية عماقريب
يا وهم يا انجليز

Post: #17
Title: Re: وفيها كوره
Author: 3asoola
Date: 06-09-2002, 10:03 PM
Parent: #16

hyaaaaaaaaa samo7a tashjyyyyyy3 bita2 sa2a km??????? alsabab bagolo laik bainy bainik kida looooooooool
loooooool@ EOL wo maaaaaaaalak mot'3ayiz kida?????? tazra3o fel wahuuuuuuuuuuuuum ta79ido fel karoooooooooooor 3ala goool alrajil looooool

Post: #19
Title: Re: وفيها كوره
Author: eyes of liberty
Date: 06-10-2002, 02:21 AM
Parent: #17


just wait ya 3assola , all the british dreams will soon be vanished under south american feet. And by that time there will be no flight to england , there will be lorries ( Bedford) and buses to carry the british team home to the island of waham............

Post: #18
Title: this cup is for Brazel or Spain
Author: مهيد
Date: 06-10-2002, 02:20 AM
Parent: #1

this cup is for Brazel or Spain even that I hope it wil be for an African team

Post: #20
Title: Re: this cup is for Brazel or Spain
Author: sama7
Date: 06-10-2002, 10:16 AM
Parent: #18

wallahi inta lisanak al6aweeeeeeeeeel
ba3dein ya7' inta ma shaef ino almarra di fi
mufaja2at kateera beta79al?
ya7' al americans alma be3refo lil football gawaneena
3'alabo lai nas portugal
ehe ehe ehe ya Figo fada7tany wallahi
o ba3dein kullana kunna mu3tagdeen fil south americans
lakin 6ala3o beeeeeeeeesh

wein ya 3assal
ma bete7tajy tgooli sababik
3shan ana fhimtik 3ala 6oooooooooooool
fada7teeny ya bit

wallahi nas spain le3bahom 7ilo
lakin su3'ar su3'ar kida
ya3ny 7addahom gareeeeeb say daori al 16 kida
kullana binmoot fi RAUL
lakin kan golta leaho huf biga3
momkin nagoolo brazil la7addi al2an

yala salamz

Post: #21
Title: Re: this cup is for Brazel or Spain
Author: 3asoola
Date: 06-10-2002, 09:06 PM
Parent: #20

loooooooooooooooooool@ EOL 3asal lakin, aha saktna

samo7ttttyyyyyyyyyyyy shoooooog mo7y6aaaaaat wo 3indy laik shmaratttt kimyaaaaaaaat (hy! bigyyyyt sha3ra lol)
walay kan Figo fad7tany ma ba3rfo ma baray alfa'd7ak ya'7ty looooool wo ya3jbny feek iny bytafhmyha "while it's flying" loooooooooool

Post: #22
Title: الفضول قتل القطة
Author: Nile
Date: 06-13-2002, 06:37 PM
Parent: #1

سلامات يا سماح و عيون الحرية

CIA انتوا مخابرات ولا
ولا انا راكب غلط

لو صاح اكيد من صاحبنا فلان

Post: #23
Title: Re: الفضول قتل القطة
Author: sama7
Date: 06-13-2002, 07:35 PM
Parent: #22

3assooooooola ya nas
da kalam shno
malik ma3a allakhba6a di kullaha
looooooooool inshalla kheir
bs aw3a ykoon da taba3 al shamarat
ana afham abooha zato ya 3assal

ni7na al CIA zata shwaia 3alena law fi akbar adeena
bs a3mal 7isabak
hna fi ...... 6awwali
mafi ra7ma abadan
o alkhaen Allah ykhoono
he he he