Someone needs your help

Someone needs your help

05-25-2002, 07:23 AM


Post: #1
Title: Someone needs your help
Author: بكرى ابوبكر
Date: 05-25-2002, 07:23 AM

Dear Bakri
First I would like to express my appreciation to your strong and comprehensive web site.
I am a Sudanese Ph.D. student in Japan in the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, majoring Agricultural Economics. They asked me to make a presentation about Sudan with emphasis on agriculture.
I have a lot of materials on that topic, but I lack some major photos of SAGIYA & SHADOOF and other tradiotional tools of agriculture, as well as, some photos from Gezira Scheme.
Would you please guide me to sites or provide me with them if you have?
Thanks so much in advance and wishing you all success in your nice