Dr. Elshafie Khider Nadwa in Washington DC

Dr. Elshafie Khider Nadwa in Washington DC

05-07-2002, 06:37 PM

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Post: #1
Title: Dr. Elshafie Khider Nadwa in Washington DC
Author: بكرى ابوبكر
Date: 05-07-2002, 06:37 PM
Parent: #0

Press Release
May 5th., 2002
Dr. Elshafie Khider Saeed, a high level member of the Sudanese National Democratic Alliance, Leading Committee (NDALC) will be visiting the United States of America during the period from May 1st, 2002 to June 2nd, 2002, to meet with the Sudanese community and discuss with them problems facing
the Sudan at this crucial juncture of its history. The main purpose of this tour to create a link between the Sudanese in Diaspora and the NDA, to activate and encourage popular participation in solving the chronic problems of Sudan, above all, the ongoing genocidal war launched by the Islamist government of General Omer Elbashir against the people of Sudan.
The NDALC delegate is looking forward to meeting with the officials of the Bush Administration, US Congress, and NGOs to exchange views and explore venues for peace and stability in Sudan and the region in general. The delegate will convey to the friendly people of the United States of America, an open message from the Sudanese people who are yearning for peace, democracy, Human rights and to express our appreciation and gratitude for our friends who supported the cause of the Sudanese people against the oppressive and terrorist regime of General Omer Elbashir.
Nour Eldayem Abdelwab
For/ Sudanese Democratic Alliance
Tel703) 751 2893
e-mail: [email protected]
Dr. Elshafie Khidir Saeid
Graduated as a medical doctor from Khartoum university, 1977.
Secretary of the National Democratic Alliance in the period from 1985 to 1988 after the fall down of Neimerie's regime.
Fighting for restoration of Democracy during Neimerie's regime and detained because of that for five years from 1980 to 1985 when released from the prison by the masses during April uprising.
When the current fundamentalist regime took power in June 1989, he went under ground to share with others in organizing the resistance against the dictatorship.
In December 1993 the resistance managed to take him outside the country, clandestinely, to Cairo.
In Cairo he was involved in the preparation for the NDA conference
that took place in Asmara 1995. He attended that conference and got elected as Secretary for organization & administration in the NDA leadership. His headquarter was in Asmara.
He also participated in the preparation of the 2nd NDA conference in Masawa, Eritrea, that took place in September 2000 and got elected as a member of the NDA leadership council.
Now he is a member of the NDA leadership council as well as a member of several committees including the committee for comprehensive peaceful settlement for the Sudanese crises & the committee for the political & diplomatic contacts.
He wrote many articles in the newspapers, participated in conferences, seminars & workshops, T.V interviews..etc.