To every Sudanese and Frankly: Sudanese personality

To every Sudanese and Frankly: Sudanese personality

05-02-2002, 10:40 PM


Post: #1
Title: To every Sudanese and Frankly: Sudanese personality
Author: kabaros
Date: 05-02-2002, 10:40 PM
Parent: #0

Helllo Frankly and all ,

Welcome back frankly ..

I am posting this to you Franky and all other Sudanese . The toplist you started was a great idea on its beginnings , an opportunity to publish our Sudanese sites , and an opportunity for real competition for those who understand real competition , but Frankly , the toplist is now being ruined !! I wanted to say this since the previous session , but -with my site being one of the competitors , I was afraid that you would misunderstand me , you know , one day was the first with 4 or 5 votes diference , the next day the first with more than 80 votes ahead of the second , the next day , it became the second with more than 100 votes behind, but as I said , the fact of me being a part of the competition and that I was sure of the honesty and strictness and good manner of the persons who was competing specially toota, stopped me from contacting you at that time . But now , with out of the competition , and even closed in the last period(thanx all for asking btw) , I see that I should notify you of this , for example , my site got 19 votes with the site being closed and no banners there , Anwar king was the first , and I think that was so natural , the other day it was second with more than 40 votes difference , I think this is so unnatural , specially when we know that the other site was showing nothing till days .
Please Frankly , find a way to stop this , because your list is losing its role and its reputation as good clean place for real competition.

And for everybody , do we -Sudanese- understand what competition is , does every person think he is the best and want to prove this even if he is cheeting himself , why do we like to ruin every beautiful thing , is this something in Sudanese mentality , I think lots of things must change in our personalities , and first of all , we must stop lying to ourselves and convince it of being the best nation in the world , this is completely untrue , this is the biggest lie that we have believed , and of course , the list thing is not the reason to say this , just consider it as an opportunity to start self criticizing ourselves , find our real defects and then start fixing ..