top tens

top tens

04-30-2002, 07:02 PM


Post: #1
Title: top tens
Author: almaskoon
Date: 04-30-2002, 07:02 PM

Top Ten Signs that you are a Sudanese Guy

10. You might be dressed up in an Armani suit and tie but you still keep 'kees al saffa' in the inside pocket.

9. You might be 'wad gabayil' from al Fashir but you still straddle into Khartoum Airport with a briefcase and a German passport.

8. You talk loudly in the street with your friend with your hands flying in all directions mouthing things like ' 3ly al 6alag Nemairy da howa al bawaz al-Sudan'

7. If you had to choose between Malboro and Bringi you'd always choose Bringi.

6. You go to the corner shop wearing a galabiya with a pocket on the front & back and a matching red 'sifinga'

5. Your mother always asks you: 'bitain 7atkamil nos deenak?'

4. Your name is Taj-al sir 7amd al-neel Awad-AL Kareem but your business card reads ' Taj Awad'

3. You are over 30 years old and you spend the whole day with a calculator in hand trying to calculate how much it will cost to get married in Sudan.

2. If offered to choose between three cars: a porsche, a BMW and a toyota and you'd always pick the Toyota.

The number one sign that you are a Sudanese guy is:
1. You can talk and discuss anything (politics, religion ,sports, arts, etc.) although you don't have a clue what you're talking about..

Top Ten Signs You're an Sudanese girl

10. Your nickname is constituted of your name plus ' -oya' added to it e.g. Hanoya, Safaoya, .......Ziftoya!!

9. You hate your mum's friend who gossips a lot but when you see her you say: 'izayik ya '7alto, walahi wa7shteeni moat'

8. You grow up to love tiyab, 7ilal (i.e. pots especially steam cookers), gold jewelry, cutlery, thermos jugs and cream 'Diana'.

7. You are attracted to sal3a (bald) men.

6. You spend hours on the phone with your friends discussing important topics such as : the latest weddings, what the groom looked like and what the groom was wearing'.

5. No matter how successful you are in your career and social life, your mother and her friends still cackle: ' bitain 7anafra7 bayki? and 'al bit di 7atg3od ma3aki kida zay al bait al-wagif l7adi bitain?

4. Your biological clock has been tick-tick-ticking since you learned how to tell the time.

3. You dress up in 10 hours so as to go to weddings where people would see you and say : 'Di bit mino di??/'

2. You then think you're the most beautiful/stylish girl at the wedding until you see a Tyra Banks look-alike then you say things like: 'al bit di ma 7ilwa shadeed' or 'al fostan bita3a ma 7ilo'

And the number one sign you're a Sudanese Girl: