AIDS in sudan

AIDS in sudan

04-30-2002, 01:17 PM


Post: #1
Title: AIDS in sudan
Author: almaskoon
Date: 04-30-2002, 01:17 PM
Parent: #0

لقد دُهشت للإحصائية التى تؤكد ارتفاع نسبة الأد ز فى السودان. وإنتابنى الخوف وانا أتلمس أبعاد المجتمع الذى تحكمه أعراف وديانات تجعل الحديث عن الأدز قلة حياء والمناداة الي دعوة صريحة الي الإباحية . فتساءلت هل نحن علي حافة الهاوية التى تقبع في قاعها جنوب افريقيا؟ كيف يتفاعل المجتمع مع هذا الكابوس الذي يتحرك في صمت؟ هل تعي الحكومات الخطورة ؟ هل الصحافه و علماء علوم الدين والدنيا يدركون ما وصل إليه المجتمع وماذا ينتظرون؟......اعلم تماما ستتجه أغلب الأقلام الي الناحيه الأخلاقيه كمسبب والناحية الدينية كحل جزري ولا إعتراض ولكن هذا يصنف المصاب مرتكب خطيئه والإدز عقاب الهي رادع وهذا (نوعا ما) بعيدا عن الواقع علميا و منطقيا ....يعلم الكثير منا واقصد ناس البورد والقليل جدا من اهل السودان كيف تتعامل الدول للتحكم في انتشار الأدز فهل من الممكن أن نتبع نهجها والذي يتطلب منا نذع ثوب الحياء والنهج العلمي

Post: #2
Title: Re: AIDS in sudan
Author: قرشـــو
Date: 04-30-2002, 01:24 PM
Parent: #1

اخى المسكون
اول حاجة اقيف خلينا النتكلم معاك .. مالك جارى ياخى ؟؟

قبل اكثر من عامين اخى قرأت فى الصحف السودانية احصائية عن الايدز والله اقشعر لها بدنى ولكن رافق ذلك حملات توعية واجراءات مشددة من قبل وزارة الصحة وكل الأجهزة المعنية والعهدة على الصحف واستبشرت خيرا بعد هلعى ان الحكومة ما نايمة لكن لست ادرى هل حدت من انتشار ذلك الوباء ام لا؟؟
لا شك ان الجهات المعنية اخى قامت بكل ما يمكن القيام به فالمسألة لا تخص حكومة معينة او جهة معينة انها مسألة يمكن ان تطال اى فرد من المجتمع حتى الاطفال وليس بالضرورة ان تكون وسيلة نقل العدوى هى الجنس بل الوسائل متعددة فى بلد فقير وامكانياته محدودة ويجهل حتى العارفين استخدام الكثير من الاشياء التى يمكن ان تعدى..

لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العلى العظيم

Post: #3
Title: Re: AIDS in sudan
Author: 7abib_alkul
Date: 04-30-2002, 01:37 PM
Parent: #2

الزول دا الظاهر عليه جاري من الايدز
هههههههههههههههههههههه من دون يكه

Post: #4
Title: to قرشـــو
Author: almaskoon
Date: 04-30-2002, 01:49 PM
Parent: #1

akhook maskoon tagool shino.
i tried to look up for what sudanese authorities doing about it but no success (emkin yakono sha'3aleen be das) but the reality showing we going down. i do believe it was free to do HIV test put not anymore in fact costy( min ajl al3omra only)and we never know what happened to tested +ve. and a few years ago i read on the papers a man was arrested (on the airport)cuz he was carrying (condoms)(galoo nyiato '3air kareema). and when someone died we never looked for the reason and track back the history don't u think that alarming

Post: #5
Title: AIDS in Sudan
Author: Zaki
Date: 04-30-2002, 04:00 PM
Parent: #1

Dear Maskoon
Thanks for bringing up this issue.
Unfortunately in Sudan the government and some twisted minds talk about a virtous society that was chosen by God and as such they do not suffer from the decadence of the West!
There is a big problem in Sudan and it is hidden because of many factors such:
1. The incubation period of the HIV virus
2. The lack of expertise among the majority of the health field workers when they exist- and they do not in many areas.
3. The lack of the facilities for mass screening
4. The stigma associated with testing for AIDS (which is a problem in the West especially when it comes to dealing with insurance companies)
5. The believe that AIDS only contracted through sexual acts
6. etc.

It is unfortunate that too much unprotected sekx (spelling changed to pass the sensor) goes on in Sudan today and the risks are multiplying. There are many young girls in Sudan who followed the norms of remaining virgin until they get married but are being infected by either ignorant or arrogant youth who did not care –or could not afford- to take precautions in their previous private lives.
The government behaviour towards the means of protection –although of limited certainty- is criminal to say the least. This regime failed in creating the conditions where people can have two moderate meals a day and in fact they impoverished them. The level of premarital sexual activity in Sudan today is becoming for many more of a necessity rather than an ethics issue.
Unfortunately the current policy is one of denial and as such many innocent people are being exposed to unnecessary risks in hospitals, clinics and health centres.
Sudanese need to wake up and cast asie all the taboos and take appropriate actions to reduce the risks and to ensure that those infected are educated to understand the risks they pose if they become irresponsible and also to make sure how they can live decent life with HIV. The stigma could causes too many problems in the near future and no one should be complacent as the risk of exponential growth in confirmed cases is real.
And we must not forget neither Sharia nor the flogging stopped people drinking or having sekx in Sudan. Living on dreams and illusions is just irresponsible behaviour and criminality when practiced by a government.
In order to avoid the fate of the central Africa belt let us stop treating people as criminals and deal with the reality. Who among you can guarantee that they will never need a blood transfusion in Sudan or undergo a surgical procedure in Sudan? If your answer is NO then act now to protect your ownself.


Post: #6
Title: to zaki
Author: almaskoon
Date: 04-30-2002, 04:12 PM
Parent: #1

thanx for the backup and I hope someone listening out there.
wa allah yastur

Post: #8
Title: Re: to zaki
Author: suna
Date: 04-30-2002, 04:17 PM

المسكون ياخوي حمانا الله
وكفا الله العباد شر هذا المرض
بعدين إسمك دا داير ليهو قعدة
انا غايتو بذكرني بواحد دفعة
كان بقيت ياهو زولي القاصدو يابشرى لنا

Post: #7
Title: Re: AIDS in sudan
Author: Tarik
Date: 04-30-2002, 04:16 PM
Parent: #1

Why do jump on the subject and say that it is a punishment from god. That's outrageous for everyone who contracted the Virus by the mistakes of the medical parctioners in Sudan (not sterlizing syrengys). Punishment from GOD for what...?? For put faith on our medical system. Do you know that more than 1/2 of the AIDS contracted patients have it from Intravenus, and not sexual behavior. LET'S TACKLE the bull from his horns, and face the reality. more than 1/2 million HIV+ in SUDAN, are we still going to keep it as a taboo, no no. By putting the blame on the patients you are doing harm for all of us.

Post: #9
Title: to tarik
Author: almaskoon
Date: 04-30-2002, 04:30 PM
Parent: #1

i don't know who u addressing by this accusation. in the article i made it clear to aviod the religious factors as somthin to blame as well as a full solution. and i hope u got my point

Post: #10
Title: AIDS in Sudan
Author: Zaki
Date: 04-30-2002, 04:50 PM
Parent: #1

Dears almaskoon and Tarik
We Sudanese (and I am one) spend too much time theorizing about politics, being armchair football managers, and having the nerve to criticise everyone who is diffrent, but never discuss many of the serious issues facing us.
This AIDS issue is serious but unfortunately we live in a world of our own creations; a world full of illusions and self rightness.
Those who are victimising everyone must understand that a 1% (and according to Tarik 1/2 million it is much more) rate of infection is a threat to 100% of the population.
Let us keep this discussion going and I am waiting to see how many of the members of this list will cast away prejudices and ignorance to help educate people and formulate the policies that can check the spread of AIDS. Many countries managed to reverse the trends and reduce the risks but this was not achieved by flogging or killing. Sensible authorities educated people and gave them ownership of the facts, and when they were trusted with the facts they acted responsibly.
Although I risk being called names and accused of many vices but my view is that condoms must be easily available in Sudan away from the prejudices of some or the oppression of the authority. The reality is that people are sexually active and 12 years and 10 month of the civilisation project just exasperated the situation. The way the system is behaving now is threatening the health, well being, and the lives of the whole population.

Post: #11
Title: AIDS
Author: almaskoon
Date: 04-30-2002, 05:08 PM
Parent: #1

to zaki.

i agree with respect to all the points that u made. but would u bleive the authorities have the gut "just" to announce the danger( i doubt it). and start tacklin the problem seriously. SO intial steps i think; accept the fact it is in alarming state, education, and then stop the spread.

Post: #13
Title: Re: AIDS
Author: Tarik
Date: 04-30-2002, 05:54 PM
Parent: #11

The authorities has to succomb to the pressure of the epedemic. It is no longer a question rightousness, it is a question od public health. Didn't Islam allow to drink drugs that are full of alchol because it is just have a healing power,....this should also be applied here. I believe a group of people in the Public Health community tried to tackle this problem by firstly giving the public the real statistics of the numbers of HIV + in Sudan. Officially, I believe, they are talking about 5000 cases, but in reality every one knows that it can easily exceed 400,000 cases, and in Sudan it is like the Polishinelle secret, everyone knows it. As far as patients treatment in Sudan, I wish someone on this board could shed some light for the benefit of everyone. Yes I do agree Condoms should be largely available, especially in the area hit hard by the epedemy (South Sudan). In Khartoum for example, to avoid a religious-ignated revolt, a "diplomatic" campaigne of information should be engaged, and then the medical circles should try to find a proper way to distribute them in order to reverse the trend.

I don't want Sudan to be another South Africa, or Uganda....etc

Post: #12
Title: AIDS in Sudan
Author: Zaki
Date: 04-30-2002, 05:27 PM
Parent: #1

Salam almaskoon
Please open the messenger