04-22-2002, 06:52 PM


Post: #1
Author: Asal2
Date: 04-22-2002, 06:52 PM
Parent: #0

Sometimes we want people to think that we are good..we act to be loving and caring people on the outside while we are hiding alot on the inside.

Somtimes We buy clothes so we can get status,so we can get a good image,so we can get respect,while we know that these people are respecting us for the wrong things.

Sometimes we look at people and we can directly see all the negative things at that person,while we forget our own faults.

We learn how to judge and have our own opinions and views about certain things and people but we forget the meaning of "critisism" can I be a better person? how can I change myself and get a better personality?

1. first we have to look around in the society and take a look at are they...what are the negative things and postive things on that person?

2. Take a look at yourself..ask I have these negative things on me? I have these positive things?

3. Get a friend that u can rely and trust on, a friend that can be like a mirror for you...a ´mirror so you can see all your faults...all ur negative and positive things....

4. Don't be selfish...selfish people are those who are too busy to realize their faults and mistakes....god bless you all!

Post: #2
Author: بكرى ابوبكر
Date: 04-22-2002, 07:27 PM
Parent: #1

Thanx ya Asal2 for adding your real picture to your profile.I am inviting all the members to add their real picture to their post

Post: #3
Author: Canadian_Forces
Date: 04-22-2002, 07:43 PM
Parent: #2

I agree With Bakri Yala ya shabab Go a head.

Post: #4
Author: Asal2
Date: 04-22-2002, 07:52 PM
Parent: #3

thank you ya bakri...hey canadian forces is that ur pic? looool.

Post: #5
Author: Canadian_Forces
Date: 04-22-2002, 07:55 PM

looooooooooooooooool almost

Post: #6
Author: Pearl
Date: 04-23-2002, 04:33 AM
Parent: #5

hey sis
You are absolutely right. . Appearance has a big affects on our lives, especially in our Sudanese community. I heard that the girls in Sudan don't care if they eat or not more than their appearances. They are wearing what's INN and stuff like that, while the people are starving on the other hand. I am not blaming them of course; I am just mentioning how our people care about what the others going to say about them. That’s also what’s making them follow our customs and traditions without even think about them, because all they care about is what people’s opinions..

Ooo ya jama3a 7kayat al pic di adooha ssanna showia kida

Post: #7
Title: When a Pic. says...
Author: Ash
Date: 04-23-2002, 05:39 AM
Parent: #1

"Sometimes we want people to think that we are good..we act to be loving and caring people on the outside while we are hiding alot on the inside.""
Just please don't get me wrong, but your pic. can tells all...

Post: #8
Title: Re: When a Pic. says...
Author: Asal2
Date: 04-23-2002, 06:25 AM
Parent: #7

helooo pearl and ash...pearl wallahi ur absoluetly right wallahi and that's the big problem we're facing...we have to start believing that our personality,soul and faith allah is the thing that should be more important than our appeareance....

ash..u started out well but then I don't know where u want or what u meant please explain more what u meant!

Post: #9
Title: Re: When a Pic. says...
Author: Asal2
Date: 04-23-2002, 06:25 AM
Parent: #7

helooo pearl and ash...pearl wallahi ur absoluetly right wallahi and that's the big problem we're facing...we have to start believing that our personality,soul and faith allah is the thing that should be more important than our appeareance....

ash..u started out well but then I don't know where u want or what u meant please explain more what u meant!

Post: #10
Title: To: Asal2
Author: Ash
Date: 04-23-2002, 08:26 AM
Parent: #1

Hi Asal2,
thanks for replying..and sorry for confusing you, anyway what I wanna say is whenever I look at a sudanese women pics. I got warm feeling which is hard to find.And that for sure not because they are The PERFECT.But just because of the value of knowing other inside/outside.

Post: #11
Title: Re: To: Asal2
Author: Asal2
Date: 04-23-2002, 09:22 PM
Parent: #10