Ya All (PCs Experts) around here ,,Plz can u Help ??

Ya All (PCs Experts) around here ,,Plz can u Help ??

04-04-2002, 07:27 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=1&msg=1017944857&rn=7

Post: #1
Title: Ya All (PCs Experts) around here ,,Plz can u Help ??
Author: Um_Altoumat
Date: 04-04-2002, 07:27 PM
Parent: #0

Hi ya nas .
I have Win.Me installed when I bought my PC from a Company here, and with the Package they gave me a (Restore Pack) in the unlikely event of damage or so to the software. The Prob. is that I want to install Win XP or at least try it,but I want to know if I can use my restore Pack later if I changed my mind !! Would it be possible ??
And also how can I install the new operation system, is it something easy which I can manage doing it my self or what ??

I am waiting ya nas, don't forget about me plz, deal ???

Post: #2
Title: Re: Ya All (PCs Experts) around here ,,Plz can u Help ??
Author: sudany
Date: 04-04-2002, 08:42 PM
Parent: #1

salam ya Um_Altoumat first am not a computer expert but may be i can help a bit..i have tried the win.XP yes u can install it in ur computer and if u don't like it u can delete it but what happen is, when u use that recovery disc it will delete all the files from ur PC.
yes u can install new operation system is not that diff u can do it by ur self ...
hope that will do 4 u

Post: #3
Title: Re: Ya All (PCs Experts) around here ,,Plz can u Help ??
Author: Um_Altoumat
Date: 04-05-2002, 00:58 AM
Parent: #2

Thanx a lot brother Sudany.
I am sure u know better than me any way !!
I 'll depend on your word and 'll give it a shot!
If I got stuck any where, I am sure u'll be around.

Stay well ya my dear.

Post: #4
Title: Re: Ya All (PCs Experts) around here ,,Plz can u Help ??
Author: نفسيات
Date: 04-06-2002, 00:43 AM
Parent: #3

i have just done the same you doing now, as sudany said, you can just insert the cd and load your XP..if for some reason you dontlike it , and am sure you wont like it,you can delete it from contol panel(add remove programs) once you delete it the old operation system will restore by it self.. nothing will be lost..
in case if you need to run the recovery CD make sure to select the second choce which says recover with OUT FORMAT.. you will not loose any thing.
good luck

Post: #5
Title: Re: Ya All (PCs Experts) around here ,,Plz can u Help ??
Author: banadieha
Date: 04-06-2002, 06:40 AM
Parent: #4

Me also talking from experience. U r doing the right thing by installing XP alongside your Windows ME. If u tried to upgrade Windwos ME to XP then you are going to be under fire. First disaster your modem will not work because its driver of Windows ME is not compatible with XP.

Post: #6
Title: Regarding My Enquiry !!!
Author: Um_Altoumat
Date: 04-06-2002, 07:51 PM
Parent: #1

السلام و الرحمة

شكرا يا (نفسيات) و (سودانى) و(بناديها) على النصائح .

و بالمناسبة يا (نفسيات) انا مشكلتى مع (نسخة الأستعادة أو الأسترجاع)أو الما عارفة ترجمتها شنو بالظبط دى ، انها ما بتدينى اى فرصة خيارت ، يعنى لو دخلت السى دى بالغلط ساكت و قلت (اوكى) ، خلاص ، حقى راح !! شفت كيف ؟؟

المهم انى بس عاجبنى شكل الأكس بى دة !! و المضحك انى لسة ما جبت السى دى زاتو ،، بس قلت اٍسأل و (اطقس) اول حتى بعد داك اجربو !!

و ويييييييييييييييين انت يا بناديها ؟؟ شنو يعنى (الطناش) دة ،، ما قلنا ما ممكن (تخاصم ) !!!

Post: #7
Title: Re: Regarding My Enquiry !!!
Author: banadieha
Date: 04-07-2002, 05:32 AM
Parent: #6

أم التومات
ياخت الرجال

الويندوز إكس بي سمح وودناس وأمين خلاص ما بضيع ليك حاجة. ولكن لو مرتاحة مع ويندوز مي..خليك معاهو..لانو ما في داعي في الكمبيوتر يكون في نظامين من الويندوز

أنا ما مخاصم ولا حاجة..أنا ملطوع على المسنجر..ملطوع لي كم شهر..واللاطعاني الله يسامحها بت أمين..ويسامح ود عزة