Job Opportunities in Wayne County, North Carolina, USA

Job Opportunities in Wayne County, North Carolina, USA

04-01-2002, 04:05 PM


Post: #1
Title: Job Opportunities in Wayne County, North Carolina, USA
Author: khartoum
Date: 04-01-2002, 04:05 PM
Parent: #0

Dear Sudanese Online Discussion Board c/o Post A New Topic

If you have any questions or comments please e-mail me at:
[email protected]

I have some information that will be very helpful for the Sudanese people and for us here in Wayne County, North Carolina, USA! Also bring your Sudanese Culture & Sudanese Heritage, and help us create a Little Sudan District here in Downtown Goldsboro, North Carolina, USA! People here need to learn about the outside world. Teach us about Sudan's history, languages, religions, dances, foods, etc. Post A Message Pass this e-mail to everyone in your department!! Add this e-mail to your Sudanese classifieds section please!! Pass this e-mail to every Sudanese website on the internet!! This e-mail is about helping us create a new Little Arabia community right here in Goldsboro, North Carolina. It is growing very fast... For the Arabian Community to invest and help us build and create a Little Arabia Community here in Goldsboro, North Carolina. Many Arabian families are moving in and bringing a little bit of their culture. Soon we will have the 1st Annual Wayne County, North Carolina Arabian Festival in (Goldsboro, North Carolina) This e-mail will be very helpful for the Sudanese people and US! Your Sudanese Businesses & Sudanese Cultural Centers will do great here!! If you know any who is interested in restoring a syangogue call (919)-734-1111 (Look for the extension for David Weil, Weil Enterprises) or e-mail [email protected] which is Mr. Arnold Leder. This is a historical synagogue and is the 2nd oldest synagogue in our state of North Carolina. It was built in 1886. If you know any Sudanese Jews who would be interested, please contact these 2 people!!

Many of the Arabs here are from Yemen, and Lebanon, and other Arab nations!! In fact most of the Arabian families own most of the businesses in Downtown Goldsboro, North Carolina, USA. There will soon be a Little Arabia District!! I am a dreamer! There are also a lot of Hawaiians and people from the Pacific Islands here in Goldsboro, North Carolina too!! There are a few Russians, Bulgarians, Greeks, Bosnian, Palestinian, Armenian, Turkish, Persian, etc. Maybe you can help us. We would love to learn about Sudanese Culture & Heritage..There use to be a Lebanese/Syrian Club here in Goldsboro, North Carolina because of so many coming here, maybe in the future it will open up again!! There is also a Egyptian Coptic family here who also miss their culture and heritage. There is a Armenian who has been here in Goldsboro, North Carolina who owns a frame and art shop, and has been here for 20 years and was voted the best in Wayne County, North Carolina. Bring some more Sudanese Businesses & Sudanese Cultural Centers, I know there are a lot of Armenians in Africa. Tell them about him! His phone number is (919)-735-9128! Also there are a few Greek familes here in Goldsboro, North Carolina who miss their culture and heritage. Maybe you can help us..But I miss Sudanese Culture & Sudanese Heritage..Are there any Armenians in Sudan??

There are a lot of Chinese families here in Goldsboro, North Carolina. Majority are from Hong Kong and mainland China, up to 150 families and still growing. Many miss their Chinese culture and heritage. Maybe you can help us.. Your Sudanese Businesses will do excellent here and along with Sudanese Cultural Centers, and people will learn and enjoy as well...I can already see a Little Hong Kong Section here in Goldsboro and even Little Chinatown or Little Sudan!! There are a lot of families from Lebanon, Korea, Russia, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and a Sikh family also a Parsi lady here in Goldsboro, North Carolina! People do not know how to fun! Your Sudanese music is beautiful!! There are a lot of Hispanic families from Central America, South America, and the Caribbean familes here in Goldsboro, North Carolina..

I have some more important information that will be very helpful for the Sudanese people! I live the subdivision of Deerwood here in Wayne County, North Carolina USA! We have some houses for sale and a spot of land for sale here in Deerwood, here is the list: (919)-778-8001, (919)-778-4139 & (919)-778-3300 These 3 phone numbers are houses for sale in the subdivision of Deerwood. I have two more important websites for houses for sale here in Wayne County, North Carolina. Enjoy...

I have some more information that will be very helpful for the Sudanese people and for US!!

Here's what I got:

City of Goldsboro, North Carolina Taxi Service CITY CAB COMPANY 406 N JOHN ST, GOLDSBORO, NC 27530, (919) 735-2202

Webb Town Taxi 616 E Elm Street Goldsboro, NC, USA Call them at (919)-734-8444

Bussmann Division 210 Dixie Trail Goldsboro, NC 27530 1 (919)-734-3900

Waukesha Electric Systems 2701 S US 117 Hwy 1 (919)-734-8900

Uchiyama America Inc. 494 Arrington Bridge Road 27530 1 (919)-731-2364

APV Baker a big industry in Wayne County, NC might go out of business here. If you know any Sudanese or anyone in Sudan who are interested in working at APV Baker, here is the following information:

Main Office 1200 W Ash St. Goldsboro, NC (919)-735-4570

Personnel 1200 W Ash St. Goldsboro, NC 1 (919)-736-4573

Receiving 1200 W Ash St. Goldsboro, NC 1 (919)-736-4537

Shipping 1200 W Ash St. Goldsboro, NC 1 (919)-736-4309

The following information will be very helpful for the Sudanese people and US!!

Car Dealerships in Goldsboro, North Carolina, USA

Contact PACC 10 TV for more information on car dealerships in Wayne County, North Carolina, USA for your interest contact this website. But also check out the website for other things and other jobs available at PACC 10 TV -This website is our GWTA- Goldsboro/Wayne Transit Authority: Public Bus Services. They also have accounting job openings, computer job openings. Among other jobs. If interested please contact them..

ACTION temporaries Goldsboro 2419 E. Ash Street P.O. Box 1312 Goldsboro, NC 27533 (919)-734-2111 1-800-344-TEMP Goldsboro Office Availability Line (919)-734-2168. Please call and leave your name and phone number each day you are available for an assignment! Goldsboro Flea Market Information 2102 Wayne Memorial Dr Goldsboro (919)-735-6505 Office (919)-736-4422 or Toll Free Dial 1 Then 800-282-3532 Berkeley Mall Goldsboro's Mall Mall Management Office at (919)-778-4616 or FAX (919)-778-8556 & the Downtown Flea Market & Auction 217 N Center St Goldsboro call them at (919)-734-0641

I have a very important article that will be very helpful for the Sudanese people and us! Here is the article: Updated on Sunday, January 14, 2001 12:04:35 AM. Wayne needs more industry sites, EDC told ATLANTIC BEACH -- Wayne County is running out of products to sell in the fast-paced, competitive game of industry recruitment, consultants say. And it's time to build up the inventory. The products are industrial sites -- land and vacant buildings the county can use to attract companies. "You need sites in a hurry," said consultant Robin Spinks of Greenfield Associates. "There is very little product in your inventory right now." Ms. Spinks and Mary Lilley of Greenfield Associates in Wrightsville Beach have been taking stock of potential industrial sites in Wayne County under a $10,000 study commissioned by the Economic Development Commission. The consultants, who are often hired by companies to find sites, presented their preliminary findings during an EDC retreat Friday. The weekend retreat was the first one by the EDC in three years. It was held at Atlantic Beach, with 27 government, education and business leaders in Wayne County attending. The consultants recommended that the county! prepare four types of sites to attract companies: one with 500 or more acres, one with 100 to 500 acres, one with 50 to 100 acres and several sites of 5 to 50 acres. The consultants found nine potential sites, all of which are vacant land: Two are in northwestern Wayne, one with about 500 acres and another with about 200 acres. One is south of Pikeville with about 350 acres. Three are west of Goldsboro, ranging in size from 100 to 250 acres. One is at Grantham with about 375 acres. One is between Goldsboro and Mount Olive with about 130 acres. And one is south of Mount Olive with about 100 acres. The exact locations were not revealed to the public, because the study is still under way. No property owners have been contacted, and neither the EDC nor the county commissioners have decided to act on the recommendations. But those attending the retreat seemed receptive to the idea. The sites would serve as alternatives to ParkEast ! Business and Industrial Park off Martin Luther King Expressway. Economic leaders say different types of property are needed to attract companies that are not interested in being in an industrial park or that may want to be in a park that has fewer restrictions than ParkEast. The sites could become industrial parks, or they could stand alone. "Economic development is selling," Ms. Lilley said. "You are selling product, and your product is your site." The message of having industrial sites isn't new to EDC members, who have been told the same thing over and over by state officials and by visiting company representatives. But the problem comes with finding land suitable for industrial development and getting the amount of investment needed to prepare it. Land with all the amenities that companies want, like sewer and water lines, highway access and natural-gas service, is not easily found in rural Wayne, Ms. Spinks said. The land should b! e close to utility lines. And most important of all, it must have fast access -- now, or in the future -- to Interstates 95 or 40. All of the potential areas are close to existing highways or future ones like the future U.S. 117 and the proposed U.S. 70 Bypass. Companies also want to be away from residential areas, to avoid potential conflicts, Ms. Lilley said. Only about one-third of the county has zoning, which means that in most of the county, people can build whatever they want, where ever they want. Many companies are reluctant to build a plant where residential development could grow near them, Ms. Lilley said. They foresee neighbors complaining about noise, traffic or other problems. The consultants said the nine sites are far enough from residential areas to avoid conflicts. Some county leaders have pressed for zoning that would provide orderly growth and preserve potential industrial sites. Without zoning, the other option to ! buy enough land to provide a buffer between the business and surrounding property, Ms. Spinks said. Then comes the problem of how to obtain the land. So far, the county commissioners have been the lead organization in funding industry-recruitment projects. One possibility is for the county to buy the land like it did with the back portion of the ParkEast Business and Industrial Park. Ms. Spinks said another way may be to take out options. This works by the county paying a certain percentage of the price of the land. The property owner gets the rest of the money when the property is sold to a company. The property owner also agrees to let the county market the land to industry. Ms. Spinks recommended that the county take out options for at least five years with automatic renewals. The county could also obtain a letter of intent from the land owner guaranteeing the property's sale. But some companies are uncomfortable with that, she said! . Once the property is available for sale to companies, it must be prepared. Companies want land that is ready to be built upon, Ms Lilley said. That means conducting surveys, preparing maps, soil tests and other preparations. It costs about $50,000 to prepare each site. The county can get state grants to pay for it, she said. But the bottom line, the consultants said, is that companies expect cheap -- or free -- land and buildings. And once they own them, they want to be able to act fast to construct a new building or to move into an existing one. "They're in a hurry," said Ms. Spinks. "And they want to be able to get it as cheap as possible." These community leaders attended the two-day, EDC retreat at Atlantic Beach: From Wayne County government -- Arnold Flowers, county commissioner and EDC member; Borden Parker, county attorney; Ken Gerrard, county commissioner and EDC member; Efton Sager, county commissioner; Connie Price, planni! ng director. From Goldsboro government -- Chuck Allen, city councilman and EDC member; Hal Plonk, mayor; Lee Worsley, assistant city manager; and Richard Slozak, city manager. From Mount Olive government -- Town Manager Ray McDonald; Mayor Louis Pate; Commissioner Ora Truzy; and Paul Smalley, town commissioner and EDC member. From the chambers of commerce -- John Peacock, president of the Wayne Chamber; Patti O'Donoghue, executive director of the Mount Olive Chamber; and Dave Quick, Wayne Chamber member. From the EDC -- President Joanna Thompson; Dr. Ed Wilson, EDC chairman and president of Wayne Community College; Jimmie Edmundson, EDC member and member of the state economic development board; Dr. Bill Byrd, EDC member and president of Mount Olive College; George Kornegay; Buddy Pope; and Jimmie Ford. From Seymour Johnson Air Force Base -- Steve Wagoner, commander of the 4th Support Group. From Carolina Power & Light Co. -! - Fred West, community relations manager, and Dan Oliver, with Progressive Energy. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Standard View] | Detailed View

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Post: #2
Title: Re: Job Opportunities in Wayne County, North Carolina, USA
Author: EMU إيمو
Date: 04-01-2002, 04:23 PM
Parent: #1

Dear khartoum
thank you for your courtesy

Post: #3
Title: Re: Job Opportunities in Wayne County, North Carolina, USA
Author: khartoum
Date: 04-01-2002, 04:26 PM

No problem are you interested in a job here in Wayne County, North Carolina, USA? If so e-mail me back.

Ciao for now
