BOOK 4 on Quranic Scientific Study By: Saeed M. Adnan

BOOK 4 on Quranic Scientific Study By: Saeed M. Adnan

07-11-2020, 03:39 PM


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Title: BOOK 4 on Quranic Scientific Study By: Saeed M. Adnan
Author: سعيد محمد عدنان
Date: 07-11-2020, 03:39 PM

03:39 PM July, 11 2020

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Definition of a very important discovery that opened the creations to disclose a lot of itself and its history: The doppler effect:
Hubble is an American astronomer who demonstrated that there are galaxies beyond our own and that they are receding from ours, providing strong evidence that the universe is expanding. Hubble also established the first measurements for the age and radius of the known universe, and his methods for determining them remain in use today. This is called the doppler effect (or doppler shift), where the speed of a moving object is measured through the relative speed of the object and the planet’s speed (i.e., Earth) by the relative frequency, and in a light frequency, it is either a red shift or a blue shift. The telescope used for that was named the Hubble Telescope.
The Hubble Telescope managed to capture images for some galaxies, extra small, orbiting outside our galaxy “the Milky Way”. They are almost dark and have some fade galaxies inside their chains (evidence of weak radiation). Data collected amazingly coincided with that calculated in the computer for analysis of the logical system of lambda “λ” for the cosmic cold black matter, which research scientists hypothesized on how the universe formed since the Big Burst 13.8 billion years ago; that the scientists placed it in the stature of a discovery of the remains of the first human being on planet Earth.
According to the flood of information brought in the photographs pourin out since 1970, by the Hubble Telescope on the Big Burst, and their analysis via computer, the universe popped out from a Big Burst to a phenomenally large energy they couldn’t conceive how it happened. But, before their very eyes, it was a reality from the presence of cosmic rays captured by telescope in their lowest scale of oscillatory frequencies, lower than that of Gama rays, which existed only at the moment of creation of matter from energy. There is no explanation for that other than it having accompanied the creation of the universe, and a gradual cessation of its casting, making its capture only attainable from its timely reflections from the heavenly bodies on one another. It is a witness to the first formation of the universe, which must have been dark to begin with, because the Big Burst did not acquire 3D space (volume) for photons travel to transform to light.
God said: “He then summoned the sky while it was smoke and told it and the earth to voluntarily or forcefully surrender; they said we voluntarily11 surrender, so He deemed them seven skies in two days and Revealed to each sky its order and We decorated the lower sky with lamps and protection: such a design by the Great and Most Knowing12”, sura 41, verses 11, 12.
The reality of the sky being smoke is proven in Book three of this research, that it was Hydrogen gas before its ionization, and it is the first cargo of energy storing protons from their Big Burst away from the huge gravity holding them. With the motion of the cosmic rays, the Hydrogenic ionization started, giving rise to the third dimension, viz., volume, which also opened the way for access more rays and therefore more reactions.
In Chemistry, Hydrogen proton has a high positive electrical reactivity to unite with its single electron
Oxygen on the other hand has a negative reactivity protonic ion size twice that of the hydrogen ion, attracting two hydrogen ions. They are most reactive primary elements when are in their ionic forms. Other elements of higher ionic power have several transformative combinations, making hydrogen and oxygen the simplest possible combination, and forms water, making it the first creation: testimonial to verse 07 in Sura 11 “And His throne was on water”
The Seven Skies:
In sura 41, verses 11, 12, the Lord say “He then summoned the sky while it was smoke and told it and the earth to voluntarily or forcefully surrender; they said we willingly11 surrender, so He rendered them seven skies in two days and Revealed to each sky its order and We decorated the lower sky with lamps and protection: such a design by the Great and Most Knowing12”,
He also said in sura 67, verses 3, 4 “He who created seven skies fold, what you see of the Compassionate’s creation any fault, look sharper if you can see any defect3 Then look twice and your sight would rebound helplessly4”
The Black Matter:
There are phenomena accompanying the Big Burst and its expansion: in one hand, the galaxies continued spreading away from the centre of the Burst; yet in another hand, astronomers discovered in 1965 a faint trace of heat in space ensuing the immense heat from the Big Burst, where some astronomers believe the universe must have contained a missed bulk of matter, emitting that heat but invisible, to which astronomers placed the slow expansion of the universe. Otherwise, a fast expanding universe would not have allowed the formation of galaxies. In 1998, the Hubble telescope captured many bursts of supernovae soon after the Big Burst, and monitored their speeds. They were very slow, revealing the universe, the faster today, had not been slowed down by such a gravitational pull; on the contrary, its speed is increasing, and there is no sign of it going to stop or recoil, as was believed. This missing mass is cognised, as it mounted to five times the visible universe (its mass of stars and nebulae, by calculation). Its gravitational pull kept the galaxies in their present forms, otherwise none would have formed in that organised pattern, and that is the only agreeable explanation for all considerations. Firstly, presently there is factor incapable of being captured astronomically, and they called it the Dark Matter. Various researches followed, in which nearest to reality are the computer diagrams below, from Space Agency of NASA:

Now, the phenomenon supporting these verses, is:
There exists a constriction to the universe that its planets would not run away or disperse, and is attributed to the start tractional power diminishing with expansion, causing it to rebound (which had been proven invalid when an old supernova was found to be slower than the universe itself, proving the universe’s expansion had been increasing, yet its galaxies kept safe from running away during their formation): the Lord said “they said here we come willingly”, and that is via the Dark Power work that prevents the skies from running away. Then He said “and Revealed to each sky its order”, that is via the Black Matter to ensure its galaxies would expand, yet not run away.
In the image of the expanding universe above, you see layers in different colours, which are the status of the universe from our present observation in its stages of formation and expansion under the guidance of the Black Matter. The highest layer is the most ancient content of the hosting space to our universe, which scientists dated it to 75 Billion years ago, i.e., we are still in the beginning of the road to see what was there before the Big Burst.
That is another evidence “Then look twice and your sight would rebound helplessly”, that we cannot see what happened before the Big Burst.
That’s what appears to be where the skies are seven (hoping that our predecessors would eventually arrive to the proof of that). But, for now, it carries the cyphers of being conserved by the black matter, which itself is preserved with the increase in creation.
The script “in two days”, each of which is 50000 days of our days a day then, (allowing lesser than that for being at the beginning when light starts from zero and gradually increases, rendering these two days way shorter than the rest of days), which would explain the period of the smoky universe when light was stationary photons. The smoky period and the completion of light travel period making the universe visible is probably the time of levelling the number of skies to seven, being observed from the top level of the inverted bell as the layers of the lower skies.
Sura 41, verses 10, 11 “and We decorated the lower sky with lamps”
That proves that the lower sky is not the one nearest to us, because the lamps, which refers to the stars and galaxies and the forming universes (in observing the quasars as we mentioned in book two) being the lights (lamps) we see in the layers of the skies lower to our sky.
In 1929, Edwin Hubble discovered the distances to the distant galaxies are strongly linked to their shift to the red end of the light spectrum. which is the indication of distancing from the observer. If observing from earth, which is just in the accelerating zone, means earlier galaxies are moving away from it with an increasing velocity. New creations are proven by him to be slower and more constricted, as we mentioned before. Blue shifted galaxies are faster runaway galaxies in the early accelerating zone, which is older than our universe. The time lapse from the dominating blue line (the beginning of our universe) to the red light (from the end of our universe) is the red shift, i.e. the light having traversed the universe from zero speed at the beginning of the 300,000 years from creation (long wave blue) to highest speed (at high frequency red). And that took 80 billion years to complete, which is a measure of the age of a galaxy.
With these methods, scientists came to know the presence of:
A cosmic vacuum with its own limitations, and which does not intermix with the vacuum emanating from the Big Burst and does not join it.
An unaccounted-for Energy, tagged The Dark Energy. Most perceived of, but not proven yet, is the Dark Matter, responsible for conserving the universe from dispersion and preserving the galaxies from a runaway deformation.
More increase of the universe’s empty space by more expansion and bending to the outside (as seen in the inverted bell diagram above), when more matter is delivered from the source, to accommodate it; and so is more Black matter from the cosmic space.
IN THE NEXT BOOK FIVE, we shall start with the deciphering of verse 5 of sura 41 “and we made it a stoning for the devils”

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