kiir's government is like the absence of government in the south

kiir's government is like the absence of government in the south

10-10-2014, 04:47 PM


Post: #1
Title: kiir's government is like the absence of government in the south
Author: Michael Gatguat Tap
Date: 10-10-2014, 04:47 PM

Anarchy, by definition, is the absence of effective government (where 'effective' is meant to the ability to maintain order and have laws followed). So, no country will ever be "under" anarchy. Usually, the phrase is "in anarchy"
Its pervade to the entire world and the people of south sedan that kiir's government is not remaining effective government since he implemented the force without freedom and law (Barbarism system of government) in the country. So for that matter rightful groups and citizens of south Sudan has described the system of his government as an anarchy system of government and also described the president as incapable of running a modern state is perhaps the main contributing factor to his failed leadership.
Why kiir government become a anarchy government
• Is not effective meant of government
• Using of force without freedom and law
• Instability
• Violent extremism and crime
• No security etc

Therefore I pealed to the citizens of south Sudan that standing together is better, than favoring the regime who destabilized our country and who spoiled our social unity. I also pealed to you to come together to overthrow the regime of salva kiir who having a problem with legitimacy and the government who does not have the strength to fight lawlessness, corruption, poverty, drug trafficking, justice is bought , democracy is preached more than practiced and revenue from natural resources disappear into private.

So I call upon the international county not to tight-lipped for the ongoing situation in south Sudan and remember that instability ,violent and crime stagnate by salva kiir are not only threat to south Sudan only, but to the region and the world at large. We look to the future with hope, pride and optimism in the south.
Finally "we will hate anarchy as death, which it is and the things worse than anarchy shall be hate more" peace alone is fruitful.