Civil Society Days streamed live 12-14 May 2014

Civil Society Days streamed live 12-14 May 2014

05-12-2014, 11:46 AM


Post: #1
Title: Civil Society Days streamed live 12-14 May 2014
Author: سيف اليزل سعد عمر
Date: 05-12-2014, 11:46 AM

Live Streaming

The plenary sessions of the GFMD Civil Society Days will be streamed live through Youtube. Here are the links to the live streams:

Live Stream 1, Plenary Sessions, starting at approx. 09:00: click here

Live Stream 2, Launch of the Migration and Development Civil Society Network ("MADE"), starting at approx. 17:15: click here

The Twitter hashtag for the event is #GFMDCSD

Useful links
• The final programme of the 2014 GFMD Civil Society days: English, français, espaandntilde;ol
• The backgrounder note: English, français, espaandntilde;ol

Organizers and donors of the 2014 GFMD Civil Society Days

The civil society activities of the GFMD are being organized by the GFMD Civil Society Coordinating Office, under the auspices of the International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC) in partnership with an international steering committee, and a diversity of NGOs, labour organizations, migrants, and migrant associations, members of the academic community, and the private sector. Principal funding and resources for the 2014 GFMD Civil Society organizing are provided by the governments of Australia, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Sweden, the European Commission, the Bancomer Foundation, and the International Catholic Migration Commission.

ICMC’s Civil Society Coordinating Office
Global Forum on Migration and Development