09-25-2011, 02:06 PM


Post: #1
Author: Asma Abdel Halim
Date: 09-25-2011, 02:06 PM

Saudi Arabia 'to vote and run in elections'

BBC Sept.25

Women in Saudi Arabia are to be given the right to vote and run in municipal elections, the Gulf Kingdom's King Abdullah has announced.

He said they would also have the right to be appointed to the consultative Shura Council.

The news will be welcomed by activists who have long called for greater rights for women in the ultra-conservative kingdom.

The changes will take effect from next year, the king said.

King Abdullah announced the move in a speech at the opening of the new term of the Shura Council.

"Because we refuse to marginalise women in society in all roles that comply with sharia, we have decided, after deliberation with our senior ulama [clerics] and others... to involve women in the Shura Council as members, starting from next term," he said.

"Women will be able to run as candidates in the municipal election and will even have a right to vote."

The BBC's world affairs correspondent Emily Buchanan says it is an extraordinary development for women in Saudi Arabia, who are not allowed to drive or leave the country unaccompanied.

She says there has been a big debate about the role of women in the country and, although not everyone will welcome the decision, such a reform will ease some of the tension that has been growing over the issue.

Post: #2
Author: عائشة موسي السعيد
Date: 09-26-2011, 08:07 AM
Parent: #1

Thanks Dr. Asma for breaking the good news here!

I am really overwhelmed.

Having lived one third of my life in Saudi Arabia, I have known Saudi women

capable of this promotion and recognition long time ago.

Hail to the Saudi King for turning to the affairs of the Women of his country. No matter what

other greivances the Saudi women suffer, this right is going to be "balsam on wounds"

and I hope Saudi Women recognize the size of responsibility thrown over to them which should begin

with the wise exploitation of the issue.

Congratulations to the Saudis in general and the Saudi women in particular.