Nubian Queens ruled the Nile Valley 3000 years ago and the fanatic Islamists flog and humillate women now!!!!!!

Nubian Queens ruled the Nile Valley 3000 years ago and the fanatic Islamists flog and humillate women now!!!!!!

12-10-2010, 00:11 AM


Post: #1
Title: Nubian Queens ruled the Nile Valley 3000 years ago and the fanatic Islamists flog and humillate women now!!!!!!
Author: Mannan
Date: 12-10-2010, 00:11 AM
Parent: #0

Date: December 9, 2010

Nubia Project Denounces the Public Flogging of a Sudanese Lady Accused of Adultery

Nubia Project decries and denounces the last week brutal flogging incident of a Sudanese lady accused of adultery. The video pictures transmitted by Youtube showed the cruelty of the Sudanese Islamist government in humiliating women. It is ironic that the radical Islamists are flogging women in public, defaming and humiliating them when Nubian women, the queens of the Nile Valley some three thousand years ago who led the armies were feared by Alexander the Macedonian and the Romans.
Sudan has become a hostage to the fanatic Islamists who are pushing Sudan towards breakup and disintegration in the name of their blend of Islam.
Nubia Project calls upon all Sudanese parties and organizations to condemn this heinous crime against women and alert all human rights organizations and the free world to take necessary actions against the government of Sudan and bring the culprits to a fair and public trial and compensate the victim for the damages inflicted on her.
Please find attached the video link to the incident.

Nuraddin Abdulmannan
Nubia Project

Post: #2
Title: Re: Nubian Queens ruled the Nile Valley 3000 years ago and the fanatic Islamists flog and humillate women now!!!!!!
Author: Mannan
Date: 12-11-2010, 00:33 AM
Parent: #1

The lunatic Islamists of Sudan are loosing control while the Southern Sudan referenda approaches and all indications are showing that they will choose separation. Of course the southern Sudanese women will be free and they will be envied the northern Sudan women who are hostages of the Islamists. As late Dr. John Garang said once that the northern Sudanese will come to the south to spend their weekends, enjoy drinking beer and dance without fearing the attrocities and violations of the ill-famed Public Order Police and then after a while they will realize that they will need the same services be available for them in the north.

The marginalized forces must unite their ranks to remove this abcess from Sudan's politics. Sudan the land of Kush deserves a better and civilzed system.

Nuraddin Mannan