First Vice - President Calls on Students to Adopt Initiatives for Intellectual Immunization

First Vice - President Calls on Students to Adopt Initiatives for Intellectual Immunization

06-26-2016, 10:51 PM


Post: #1
Title: First Vice - President Calls on Students to Adopt Initiatives for Intellectual Immunization
Author: Sudan News Agency
Date: 06-26-2016, 10:51 PM

09:51 PM June, 26 2016

Sudanese Online
Sudan News Agency-Khartoum-Sudan
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Khartoum, June 26 (SUNA)- The First Vice - President of the Republic, Lt. Gen. Bakri Hassan Salih, has called on the Sudanese Students General Union to adopt initiatives for realizing intellectual immunization against cultural alienation and contributing to the eradication of illiteracy.
This came when the First Vice - President received Sunday in his office at the Republican Palace a delegation of the Sudanese Students General Union.
The First Vice - President has appreciated the great role being played by the Sudanese Students General Union in backing up the national dialogue, the administrative referendum in Darfur and other national issues.
In a press statement, the union's chairman said that he briefed the First Vice - President on the plans and programs that the union has implemented at the universities and schools' level.
He indicated that the First Vice - President was also informed on the activities of the Sudanese Students General Union in the fields of health insurance, enhancing the school environment and the transportation of university students, besides the partnerships that the union has established with the circles and institutions that extend support to students.


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