The Sudanese Human Rights Monitor condemns the forcible deportation of the Sudanese asylum seekers

The Sudanese Human Rights Monitor condemns the forcible deportation of the Sudanese asylum seekers

12-21-2015, 04:15 PM


Post: #1
Title: The Sudanese Human Rights Monitor condemns the forcible deportation of the Sudanese asylum seekers
Author: SudaneseOnline News
Date: 12-21-2015, 04:15 PM

03:15 PM Dec, 21 2015

Sudanese Online
SudaneseOnline News-Khartoum Sudan
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The Sudanese Human Rights Monitor condemns the forcible deportation of the Sudanese asylum seekers from Amman, Jordan and calls for the immediate stop of the operation

Khartoum, 18 December 2015

Authorities in Amman, Jordan detained around 800 Sudanese asylum seekers including families. Jordanian officials declared that asylum seekers would be deported back to Sudan. According to reports, 430 asylum seekers have been already repatriated to Sudan. Most of the Sudanese asylum seekers are from war torn regions in Sudan. Such deportations are considered violations of the international law which bars extradition of an asylum seeker to a country where he faces a risk of persecution.

The Sudanese Human Rights Monitor (SHRM) is following, with deep concern, the recent developments in the case. SHRM strongly condemns the forcible deportation of the asylum seekers by the Jordanian authorities and the repatriation of them to their home country where they fled violence and harsh conditions. There was even information from independent sources that a number of the deportees were holding recognized refugee IDs issued by the UNHCR. In a flagrant violation of international law, they have not been given a chance to prove their status as political refugees before a court of law.

SHRM calls upon the Jordanian authorities to immediately stop the forcible repatriation operations and to ensure the basic rights of these asylum seekers as entitled under the international law. SHRM further calls upon the UNCHR and all the concerned entities to initiate a genuine investigation on the incidents and on the allegations of cruelty and excessive use of violence against the asylum seekers in the process of their repatriation. The UNHCR as well as other international organizations and the international community are appealed to intervene to ensure the protection of the asylum seekers. Similarly, SHRM appeals the Jordanian and the Sudanese authorities to guarantee the safety and the wellbeing of those asylum seekers.

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