The Sudanese regime is the largest destructive and most dangerous-threatening actor to the environm

The Sudanese regime is the largest destructive and most dangerous-threatening actor to the environm

12-17-2015, 05:26 AM


Post: #1
Title: The Sudanese regime is the largest destructive and most dangerous-threatening actor to the environm
Author: SudaneseOnline News
Date: 12-17-2015, 05:26 AM

04:26 AM Dec, 17 2015

Sudanese Online
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Conference of Parties COP21 on the Climate in Paris

The Sudanese regime is the largest destructive and most dangerous-threatening actor to the environment in Sudan


As part of the great interest in environmental issues at local, regional, international and global scale, the Sudan Sudan People's Liberation Movement met dozens of delegations and representatives of countries and environmental activists and stakeholders during the intensive activities of the Conference of Parties in Paris on the Climate in its 21st round (COP21). During the Congress, the Sudan’s People Liberation Movement actively participated to enlighten the world in regard of the serious environmental problems facing the Sudan, it is not only because of climate change, but because of intentionality pursued destructive and damaging actions by the dictatorial regime to cut off the dense forests in Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile premium ecological sites under the pretext of creating an open and free spaces and deforested lands to facilitate the military operations and consequence genocide carried out by the regime's army and its supporting Militia, which also uses internationally various types of prohibited weapons, which killed thousands of civilians and left serious negative impacts on the environment. Furthermore, the regime has established a number of dams without accurate and scientific feasibility studies and insists on the establishment of new dams in the Northern Nile in Sudan, which threatens the natural environment for hundreds of thousands of people and even menace the safety of their lives. This is an attempt by the regime to wipe out the rest of the monuments dating for more than eight thousand years, these damaging damming has the purpose of converting and canceling the historical evidence that demonstrate the greatness of the Sudanese people in area and their striking African roots and identity.

This picture is cleared by the deputy representative of the Sudan’s People Liberation Movement in France Comrade Murad Muodia to numerous of international activists and officials. He highlighted that, currently the regime in Sudan is the largest-threatening actor to environment and it has been destroying the environment for decades. Comrade Muodia explained that the crime of radioactive materials and containers that brought by the regime and buried in the North desert of the country after the uptake of the price is considered an environmental crime with all the scale and noted that the Nile water is now deliberately exposed to the pollution and that there is a lack of drainage channels and planning for the collection and disposal of waste court plans in the capital, not to mention the cities through which the Nile also. He appealed to the Sudanese activists to do everything they can to save the Nile the world's greatest rivers and Sudan from the disasters that beset him. In addition to that he explained to the activists and politicians participating in the conference that the ruling regime in Sudan tried several times in the past years to sell bonds of the Sunut Forest Reserve in Khartoum, which is an ecosystem hub for the migratory birds moving across the continents for long times. The SPLM N also met with delegations of indigenous peoples form all continents and discussed with them the negative effects and impacts that have hurt these people in various aspects of daily life due to climate change. Comrade Muodia called upon the international organizations and the United Nations to provide technical assistance to the Sudanese voluntary organizations active in the field of environment to address the hostile policies and set up an environmentally friendly system. On the other hand, he revealed to the global environmental movement that the SPLM has a clear vision in concern of the environmental issues and challenges and that his movement embed these issues of the environment in all its laws and legislations so that it becomes binding on all the institutions and will they will work with local and international authorities to follow up on the outputs of the Paris Conference, especially as it controls the wider territory, which constitute about 80% rich and semi-rich savanna and territories in Sudan after South Sudan's independence in 2011.

Lastly, but not least, the Deputy representative of the Sudan’s People Liberation Movement in France confirmed that dozens of Sudanese activists residing in France and the European Union would be participating during the last three days of the conference to set up meetings with activists focusing on environmental issues in Sudan, Africa and the world.

SPLM-N deputy representative in France Murad Muodia with France environment minister Madam Ségolène Royal 08.12.2015 le Bourget Paris

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