Assistant of the President Informed on Situation at Halaib Locality

Assistant of the President Informed on Situation at Halaib Locality

11-15-2015, 06:33 PM


Post: #1
Title: Assistant of the President Informed on Situation at Halaib Locality
Author: Sudan News Agency
Date: 11-15-2015, 06:33 PM

05:33 PM Nov, 15 2015

Sudanese Online
Sudan News Agency-Khartoum-Sudan
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Khartoum, Nov. 15 (SUNA)- Assistant of the President of the Republic, Engineer Ibrahim Mahmoud Hamid, received in his office Sunday the Assistant of the Commissioner of Halaib Locality, Mohamed Al-Hassan Al-Tahir, and reviewed the security, political, economic and services situations in Halaib, the Red Sea State.
The Presidential Assistant has directed Halaib Commissioner to concentrate on providing basic services and implementing development projects and boosting the border trade.
In a press statement, the Commissioner of Halaib said that he briefed the Assistant of the President on the situation at Halaib and the challenges facing the locality, especially with regard to the border trade with Egypt and agriculture.
He said that the Assistant of the President has pledged to help solving the difficulties in Halaib Locality.

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