Egypt doesn’t want Sudan opposition al-Mahdi on its territories: his sister says

Egypt doesn’t want Sudan opposition al-Mahdi on its territories: his sister says

01-25-2015, 05:02 PM


Post: #1
Title: Egypt doesn’t want Sudan opposition al-Mahdi on its territories: his sister says
Author: SudaneseOnline News
Date: 01-25-2015, 05:02 PM

Jan 25, 2015-Khartoum-SudaneseOnline-Sister of the leader of Sudan’s opposition National Umma Party (NUP), Al-Sadiq al-Mahdi, said that Egypt and its leadership do not want al-Mahdi on its territories, revealing that efforts are being exerted to return of al-Mahdi to the country to help in solving issues of the country in the near future.
Wisal told Al-Shirouq T.V on Saturday that some national figures and leaders of the political work in the country have contacted al-Mahdi to convince him to return to Sudan and rejoin the national dialogue
She disclosed that al-Mahdi has left Egypt to join one of his sons who has sought medical treatment for his son abroad, calling for the return of her brother to participate in the national dialogue
Sudanese political and armed opposition forces and civil society organizations signed “Sudan Call” which calls for ending the war, dismantling the one-party state, achieving a comprehensive peace and democratic transition in the country.
This was preceded by the signing of the “Paris Declaration” last August between the SRF and the NUP which calls for a comprehensive solution involving all the political forces including rebel groups. It further stresses the need to create a conducive environment in order to hold a genuine national dialogue.

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