Sudan Liberation Movement Condemns Paris Attack

Sudan Liberation Movement Condemns Paris Attack

01-08-2015, 01:52 PM


Post: #1
Title: Sudan Liberation Movement Condemns Paris Attack
Author: حركة تحرير السودان جناح عبد الواحد
Date: 01-08-2015, 01:52 PM

Jan 08, 2015-The Sudan Liberation Movement/Army lead by Abdol Wahid Mohamed Ahmed Al- Nour condemns with strongest terms the savage and barbaric terrorist attack at the Paris office of French Satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo that led to the killing of innocent journalists, police officers and seriously injured several other people. The perpetrators of cowardly and cheap act of sheer terrorism which aims to silence the voice of the free press should be punished. The Sudan Liberation Movement/Army reiterated several times that, terrorism is an existential threat to local, regional and international peace and stability and it’s high time that, the French government and European community and their allies unite hands to uproot the terrorism that remained as a threat to International peace. Our condolence on this tragic incident is extended to French government and its people, French media houses and free press, and the grieved families who lost their loved ones.

Abdol Wahid Mohamed Ahmed Al-Nour

Chairman of Sudan Liberation Movement/Army

8/1/ 2015