Sudanese Communist Party Urgent Call for Solidarity.. New Wave of Repression in Sudan

Sudanese Communist Party Urgent Call for Solidarity.. New Wave of Repression in Sudan

11-07-2014, 05:21 PM


Post: #1
Title: Sudanese Communist Party Urgent Call for Solidarity.. New Wave of Repression in Sudan
Author: الحزب الشيوعي السوداني
Date: 11-07-2014, 05:21 PM

· Detention of scores of Sudanese Communists in Blue Nile Province.
· Comrade Suliman Ali, the Political Secretary of the Party district, is charged with crimes that carry the death penalty.
· Raise your voice! .. Demand Immediate Release of our Comrades.
· Hands off Sudanese Communists!
The Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Sudanese Communist Party issued a statement on 3 November 2014 alerting the Sudanese public and international media, especially fraternal Communist and Workers’ parties to the new wave of repression unleashed by the Sudanese Security and Intelligence apparatus against the Sudanese communists in the Blue Nile province. The repressive campaign of detentions came as a result of the wide distribution of the Party statement on the anniversary of the Sudanese 21st October Revolution.
In its statement the Secretariat of the CC stressed that these recent suppressive acts are coupled at the same time with the military attacks against the people in Southern Kordufan and other war zones. "Contrary to its aims, these repressive actions will neither deter nor scare Communists from shouldering their patriotic responsibilities. Our Party members will continue their struggle amongst the people, fully determined and enjoying the support and protection of the masses".
Furthermore the statement stressed that the regime has lost its nerves and has resorted to oppressive policies in a vain attempt to silence the opposition and prolong its existence." It is clear that its days are numbered and it shall be overthrown.
The statement has strongly condemned the recent wave of arrests, and demanded the immediate and unconditional release of all detainees.
It calls upon the Sudanese public, international media and fraternal Communist and Workers’ parties to join hands to stop the repression in Sudan and demand the immediate release of all political detainees.
Among those detained are the following comrades and colleagues:
Ali Suliman - the Political Secretary of the Party in the Blue Nile province, Adil Mohmoud, Ibrahim Musa, Adil Ahmed Fadl, Miss Fatima Al-Daw.
All were detained on the 2 November 2014.
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