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Warrap State is on the verge of failing if nothing is done By Majook Mawien Madut

11-26-2023, 09:41 PM
Mangong Mawien Madut
<aMangong Mawien Madut
Registered: 07-21-2014
Total Posts: 11

Warrap State is on the verge of failing if nothing is done By Majook Mawien Madut

    08:41 PM November, 26 2023

    Sudanese Online
    Mangong Mawien Madut-S.Sudan
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    Warrap State has been involved in a circle of inter-communal conflicts within itself for years where violence and insecurity continued to be the order of the day. Access to health care, education and free movement is limited; there are severe deficits in basic service delivery due to a complex array of conflicts which impeded economic development and stability. The existence of conflict has seen governors appointed and sacked by H.E. Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit within a short period of time, making Warrap become the only state which its governors have been replaced most times than any other state since its reconstituted government.

    In November 2022, Eng. Manhiem Bol Malek was appointed and became the third governor to replace his predecessor, Gen. Aleu Ayieny, who was the successor of Gen. Panek Biar. With Manhiem's appointment, hopes were high as English remarks, a new broom sweeps clean. It was hope in vain given current situation in Warrap State where the government seems to only scratch the surface of insecurity despite heavy death toll. Each day the devastating consequences continue to be so shocking. The escalation of conflicts without arrest of culprits involved between Aguok vs. Kuac, Twic Mayardit vs. Ngok Dinka of Abyei Administrative Area plus Apuk Giir of Warrap State vs. Marial Wau of Jur River, Western Bahr el ghazal State which has claimed more lives from Apuk indicates the inability of the government in Warrap State to solve both internal and external conflicts.

    The recent incident, however, in Matiel Boma of Gogrial East County where the bodyguard of Governor Manhiem's close protection who, according to majority claim to be his close relative from Marial Wau of Jur River, the side that is fighting with Gogrial East County of Warrap State, stands accused by eyewitnesses and, on the other hand, disputed by Warrap State's Minister of information, Hon. William Wol Mayom, of having shot the deceased named Mariak Tong Ubang, has already raised a big tension in the State. The Minister of information in Warrap State has blamed and claimed Gogrial East's youth killed the late Mariak Tong with first bullet in what he called "random shooting" carried out by them during peace rally. Something that did not go well with Gogrial East citizens and call for justice into the killing of late Mariak Tong Ubang by Governor's bodyguard on 19th November, 2023.

    Moreover, on 21st November 2023, the Governor of Warrap State, Eng. Manhiem Bol Malek formed a fact-finding committee on the incident of Matiel. In regards to Governor's step for forming a fact-finding committee where his bodyguard is the culprit according to bystanders while his government denies it, is absolutely wrong. How trustworthy is the committee he unilaterally formed؟ Isn't it an attempt by the governor to cover up the truth from the public؟ To me, the governor must accept full responsibility for law to take its course. There is no where you are accused of a crime and claim to preside over it as the judge. I am afraid the Governor's committee will never deliver anything but a manipulated report to bury the truth. If he thinks his bodyguard is innocent, let him allow the national government to form a fact-finding committee that will carry out the investigation - only then will truth prevail.

    Shocking enough is the Minister's attempt to modify the truth and misinform the public on the incident of Matiel in favor of his government undermines democracy and rule of law. It only proves the government in Warrap State is there to implement a policy lie than serving citizens with integrity. What is so legitimate about lying to the citizens where government is supposed to be accountable to them؟ What good can be expected from the government where politicians choose lies over truth؟ The irresponsible behavior demonstrated by Warrap State's Minister of information while in public leadership position must be condemned. This can make public withdraw trust in government.

    Lastly, in modern states, governments create and maintain order explicitly through the police and armed forces, and implicitly by creating the conditions under which people can go about their lives in relative safety. Under Eng. Manhiem Bol Malek as the governor of Warrap State, it is without doubt that his leadership has totally failed and lost its effective ability to protect and govern populace. Currently, Warrap State is on the brink of failing if nothing is done. Residents are living amid fear due to incompetent leadership as state experiences a breakdown in law enforcement, likely leading to a state of near-anarchy. Therefore, it is to be noted that Warrap State's current problems are administrative inability which, only if we want to save the State from collapsing, need a competent and capable leader that is not Eng. Manhiem Bol Malek.

    The writer is a student of Public Administration, University of Juba and can be reached via email: [email protected].

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Warrap State is on the verge of failing if nothing is done By Majook Mawien Madut Mangong Mawien Madut11-26-23, 09:41 PM

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