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Articles and ViewsThe tribal wars in Sudan and the impotence of the transitional government Written by Osman Gasm A
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The tribal wars in Sudan and the impotence of the transitional government Written by Osman Gasm A

08-22-2021, 07:52 PM
عثمان قسم السيد
<aعثمان قسم السيد
Registered: 04-19-2021
Total Posts: 135

The tribal wars in Sudan and the impotence of the transitional government Written by Osman Gasm A

    06:52 PM August, 22 2021

    Sudanese Online
    عثمان قسم السيد-السودان
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    If the successive governments that ruled Sudan were unable to prevent the phenomenon of violence and tribal fighting in Darfur, at least, they are keen not to spread it to other areas in Sudan.

    * Tribal wars in Darfur are destined to not stop, and this has nothing to do with the rescue system alone, but with the previous dictatorial regimes, such as the Numayri regime, Abboud and Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi in providing some tribes with weapons and negligence in deterring the unjust, and it may sometimes reach satisfactions, compensation and payment of money to reach an agreement to stop The fighting and so on to this day.. Fighting and revenge has become a local culture and heritage.. and there will be no sustainable development in light of the continuous wars due to the spread of weapons among them.. The time of the rescue divided Darfur into five states to divide power and wealth among the tribes, but to no avail. A mere quarrel sparks a war in which hundreds die.. The tribal wars in Darfur have become an economic and security burden on the rest of Sudan’s components and a reason for foreign tutelage.. We grieve for this tragic situation and ask God to have mercy on the people of Sudan.*

    * As an example of the beginning of the spark for the tribal wars that moved to eastern Sudan, a mere quarrel between a young Halfawi and another Zaghawi in the village of (10) Murshid in the new Halfa led to the village’s destruction at night, and the safe citizens were massacred in their homes, and several houses and vehicles in the village were burned, and the matter ended With restraint and patience, and refusing to escalate, this incident, if not contained by wise people, could have ignited a tribal war in the north, east and central Sudan.. It is necessary to ban the carrying of arms among citizens, except for the regular forces in all states of Sudan, starting with Darfur, where they are proud of The tribes with their weapons and vehicles, in addition to dissolving the militias and integrating the fighters of the movements into the regular forces as soon as possible before the tension spreads to the rest of Sudan.

    May God protect Sudan

    And for the rest of the story

    Osman Gasm Al-Saed
    [email protected]

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The tribal wars in Sudan and the impotence of the transitional government Written by Osman Gasm A عثمان قسم السيد08-22-21, 07:52 PM

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