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Articles and ViewsIs Al-turabi’s visit to Sadig Al-mahdi in his confinement a political or social duty?
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Is Al-turabi’s visit to Sadig Al-mahdi in his confinement a political or social duty?

06-07-2014, 03:56 PM
Abdul-Aziz Ali Omer
<aAbdul-Aziz Ali Omer
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 85

Is Al-turabi’s visit to Sadig Al-mahdi in his confinement a political or social duty?

    Abdulaziz Ali Omer
    Dr Al-turabi, the Secretary –General of Popular Congress has been reticent with regard to the recent detention of Sadig Al-Mahdi, National Umma Party leader on the background of his criticism for the Sudanese Rapid Support Force as committing atrocities in Kurdofan and Darfur States. However, un-expectedly he paid a visit to Mr. Sadig Al-Mahdi in Kobar prison .An informed resource which preferred to being anonymous disclosed that the visit of Dr Al-turabi came within the context of social ties. The same resource added that their conversation revolved around the promotion and sustainability of national dialogue as a suitable means for the resolution of the country crises. Dr Al-turabi discussed the different implication of Mr. Sadig Al-Mahdi imprisonment and how it could be resolved. He listened attentively to Mr. Sadig Al-Mahdi’s vision of what is going on in the political arena and his stance from the national dialogue. Yousef Libis , the deputy-Secretary of Popular Congress re-affirmed the social nature of Dr Al-turabi visit to Mr. Sadig Al-Mahdi in jail . On the other hand he didn’t rule the could be politically tinged as both of them discussed the current political situation in the country particularly the question of national dialogue. Fadul allah Burma, the deputy chairman of Umma National Party said that Dr Al-turabi visit was anticipated since the two men are political counterparts and in the lead of dialogue initiative.
    According to Al-tagyeer Newspaper, Dr Al-turabi was said to have visited formerly Mr. Sadig Al-Mahdi ‘s family at home to be re-assured of his health condition. In the same regard, Professor Hassan Saouri, a political expert and analyst stated that Dr Al-turabi intended acting as an intermediary between Mr. Sadig Al-Mahdi and the government in a valiant attempt to get him free. Professor Hassan Saouri drew the attention to the importance of his release so that the dialogue process continues unabted. As for the prospect of arriving at convergent lines between Dr Al-turabi and Mr. Sadig Al-Mahdi, Professor Hassan Saouri replied that there would be no close alliance between the two parties since the two men have always in their meetings exhibited divergent views.
    The first meeting between Dr Al-turabi and Mr. Sadig Al-Mahdi was held in Geneva in May, 1999 in the wake of Mr. Sadig Al-Mahdi response to Mr. Kamil Idris initiative to negotiate with the regime. That was fater he joined the Sudanese opponents in the Diaspora. He launched what Al-tagyeer Newspaper describes as the largest diplomatic campaign ever seen by the Sudanese opposition since its founding that is the National Democratic Alliance. In 2009 , the two men met in Juba confrence which is considered as the nucleus of national consensus alliance which is acting the opposition now. Sara Nugud , the Secretary –General confirmed the latest meeting between Dr Al-turabi and Mr. Sadig Al-Mahdi but avoided a public disclosure of the outcome of that meeting. Some believe that the political circumstances surrounding Umma Party may impel it to come to an agreement with Popular Congress on a specific track of political orientation while others rule out the possibility of any proximity on the ground of their political stances from each other.

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