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Sir Ashraf AlCardinal by Abdellatif Ahmed

05-09-2014, 04:51 PM
Abdellatif Ahmed
<aAbdellatif Ahmed
Registered: 04-29-2014
Total Posts: 6

Sir Ashraf AlCardinal by Abdellatif Ahmed

    If I only knew the quarter of what I know today, I would have never accepted the offer to work for Ashraf the "Cardinal". I did hear stuff since the beginning, but I never pay attention to rumors. Very soon I started witnessing and experiencing disturbing things, eventually my disgust grew to a limit that I've decided to leave. Obviously I am paying a very high price for my decision, not only for leaving, but for accepting to work for him in the first place.

    Honestly, right now I harbor lot of anger toward Ashraf, so yes, I do get personal in my posts. But hey, being robbed of your freedom for more than two years for no just reason, but out of revenge of a disturbed person who is mad and furious because his overinflated ego was hurt? That is what I call really personal. To spend over two years in prison instead of taking care of your aging parents to whom you are the one and only child? That is personal! To be prevented from raising your three kids and be with your family for more than two years? Can anything be more personal than that? So nobody should dare to teach and preach me what is personal!

    As personal as it gets, this is still of public interest: do you really think that I am the first such case for Ashraf the "Cardinal"? Or do you know that I am not alone in prison as a result of fabricated charges? Do you know that imprisoning people by forged cheques and false witnesses became a standard weapon among some wealthy and powerful crooks, to put aside "disturbing elements" such as insubordinate employees, unwanted partners in business, or competitors from the market? Do yo know how many more Ashrafs are out there?

    My words may be offending, but I'm offending by telling the truth, under my real name, with my photo attached; I am sharing and disclosing facts that can be verified by documents or witnesses, regardless if I speak about figures, amounts, events or behavioral abnormalities. Speaking of behavioral abnormalities, to what else would you attribute this:


    Sir Ashraf AlCardinal? What kind of person would fake himself into a British lord other than someone with a serious personality disorder? Thank you Mark Zuckerberg for never erasing completely anything from Facebook. Even the 9 people showing their admiration for the lord impostor are still visible.

    Then again, would any normal, modest person publish photographs and boast in the papers how expensive and unique his new car is, and what a huge amount was paid as customs duty? I wonder, did the customs accept from him a certified cheque, or it was paid by cash this time?

    Why didn't I speak out before? While working for him, I was showing loyalty. Once that loyalty would have had to compromise morality and self-respect, I left. I did not speak then because it was not my concern anymore and I was happy that I left it all behind. When the legal battles started I was told to remain silent, or I might be accused of interfering with the investigation and later with the court proceedings. But now it is my concern. And no more investigations. And no more court trials. So, no more keeping silent.

    A forged cheque and two false witnesses. So simple, anyone could do it? Not exactly, you would also need some good quantity of grease for so many hands involved; moreover for you and your two false witnesses to leave humanity, religion, and God behind, and swear by the Holy Book in front of the judge...

    For God's sake how could the judges, mature grown-up men of knowledge and wisdom, buy such a children's story? If law does not know such things as logic and rationale, what about common sense?! I am left with no any confidence in the justice system. If you don't know why, you are either not reading papers, or you are living in denial...

    Once again: while I am in prison, it is a small group of my family members and very close friends who are having access, handling and managing my personal email, facebook and forum accounts. They are also working people, so it takes time for information to reach me and for the response to get out. Thank you for your patience, understanding and kind support.

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