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Articles and ViewsPatriotic Essay “Frank Buckles” By: Yousuf Abubakr-6 Grade
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Patriotic Essay “Frank Buckles” By: Yousuf Abubakr-6 Grade

12-10-2013, 02:01 AM
Yousuf Abubakr

Patriotic Essay “Frank Buckles” By: Yousuf Abubakr-6 Grade

    Patriotic Essay
    “Frank Buckles”
    By: Yousuf Abubakr
    What makes America a great nation? Loyalty, bravery, and honesty. These are all qualities that Frank Buckles, the last remaining World War I and II survivor, had when he was in war. Frank Buckles, a true American hero, made it past a lot at the beginning of his life survived World War I and II, and lived a normal life until the end.
    When Frank Buckles was a young boy, he had a hard time making it through the beginning of his life. In the early stages of his long life, he and his older brother Ashman got the horrible disease called scarlet fever. Frank barely made it, but sadly his brother didn’t make it. At only the age of 16 he wanted to go into the army, but got rejected because he had flat feet. Once he got rejected he decided to be a marine, but got rejected again for being too small for his age. After getting rejected twice, he waited several years until he finally got another chance to be in the army.
    When Frank was 20 years old got to fight for his country. At that same age, he being a medic sounds easy, but once you do it’s harder than you think it is. Pretty soon he was able to go into the battlefield. Soon after he went into battle he got captured by Japanese forces for 3 years. Frank after the capturing was promoted to corporal on September 22, 1923. After being promoted, he got to be trained at Fort Riley in Kansas and with the proper training, he got to drive vehicles for the army’s first Fort Riley Casual Department, taking and sending soldiers to Germany. He was then known as a group of talented soldiers called the “doughboys”. With all of the necessary training, he made it past World War I and II.
    When Frank Buckles was in his elder ages he earned many medals, while having a normal life getting married and having kids. After the 2 intense wars, Frank decided to take a break by getting married to Audrey Buckles and having a baby named Susannah. Once they had a family, they moved to a farm that was 330 acres and raised cattle there. Eventually, Frank became a world traveler. In his life after war he became known as “the Last Man Standing” and earned many medals for serving our country like “Person of the Week” on March 22, 2009.
    Without a doubt, Frank Buckles made it past a lot at the beginning of his life, survived World War I and II, and had a normal life until the end. In his life he had to do a lot to survive his intense life, but it all paid off with bravery, loyalty, and honesty. Thus it can be seen that Frank Buckles is truly an American hero.

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