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Civil initiative to support public education for refugees from Darfur

09-18-2013, 08:50 PM
Abdelrahman SiddiqHashim Karo

Civil initiative to support public education for refugees from Darfur

    Civil initiative to support public education for refugees from Darfur in the Republic of Chad

    Based on the role of voluntary organizations and NGOs in the development of society the El-wafaa refugee’s Cultural center in the Arab Republic of Egypt appeal to all the people of Darfur who are interested in the public education of Darfuri’s refugee schools and centers of public education in neighboring countries to lend a hand and help actors in the provision of health supplies for school medical attention and the educational basic needs to fight ignorance and ensure the literacy of the alphabet in these camps , which suffers from a severe shortage of resources. The center welcomes all suggestions and ideas and opinions and experiences, whether current or previous with workers in the field of public education in schools for refugees from Darfur in Chad. And if you have any information about the presence of a popular or informal channels directly to support the process of public education in camps of Darfuri’s refugees in neighboring countries hope you tell us at the following addresses : -

    E-mail : [email protected]

    Tel: +201141219028

    Abdelrahman SiddiqHashim Karo

    Executive (Volunteer) Director of the
    El- Wafaa Refugee
    Cultural Center in Egypt.

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