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Discussion Board in English Ibn Khaldun's Theory of Umran: How can Muslim Countries benefit from his thought in development
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Ibn Khaldun's Theory of Umran: How can Muslim Countries benefit from his thought in development

02-08-2016, 11:54 AM
الهادي هباني
<aالهادي هباني
Registered: 06-17-2008
Total Posts: 2807

Re: Ibn Khaldun's Theory of Umran: How can Muslim Countries benefit from his tho (Re: الهادي هباني)

    Defining Umran theory:
    Umran, in language is derived from the Arabic word Umar like to say the home Umar by its family which means that it has been inhabited by any of its family who established, designed and structured it, or to say the country Umar by its population whom they live, set their homes, and carried out their economical and social activities in it (Yousri, 2006).
    Umran theory of Ibn Khaldun asserts that the rise or fall of civilization does not happen due to only one single standalone factor, but rather evolve as a product of a deep and complicated interaction of moral, social, economic, political, and historical aspects over somewhat long period of time. Each one of these aspects acts as a set off or an activate device influences the other, and the product of the reaction of the other actions will define the status of nation whether grow or decay. It is an attempt to explain the different events in history through a cause and effect relationship and to derive scientifically the principles that lie behind the rise and fall of a ruling dynasty or state (dawlah) or civilization (Umran) (Chapra, 2006, p. 838)
    So the term ‘Umran’ means civilization or culture or a state of living together where people cooperate with each other through necessity and or blood ties with its values, rules, boundaries, rituals, etc. population and state or what Ibn Khaldun called (Dynasty) occupies essential position in Umran theory, (Theory of Umran describes how Economic Growth takes place concurrently with population growth within a favorable political climate) (Yousri, 2014).

Arabic Forum

Title Author Date
Ibn Khaldun's Theory of Umran: How can Muslim Countries benefit from his thought in development الهادي هباني02-08-16, 10:58 AM
  Re: Ibn Khaldun's Theory of Umran: How can Muslim Countries benefit from his tho الهادي هباني02-08-16, 10:59 AM
    Re: Ibn Khaldun's Theory of Umran: How can Muslim Countries benefit from his tho الهادي هباني02-08-16, 11:53 AM
      Re: Ibn Khaldun's Theory of Umran: How can Muslim Countries benefit from his tho الهادي هباني02-08-16, 11:54 AM
        Re: Ibn Khaldun's Theory of Umran: How can Muslim Countries benefit from his tho الهادي هباني02-08-16, 11:55 AM
          Re: Ibn Khaldun's Theory of Umran: How can Muslim Countries benefit from his tho الهادي هباني02-08-16, 11:55 AM
            Re: Ibn Khaldun's Theory of Umran: How can Muslim Countries benefit from his tho الهادي هباني02-08-16, 11:56 AM
              Re: Ibn Khaldun's Theory of Umran: How can Muslim Countries benefit from his tho الهادي هباني02-08-16, 11:57 AM
                Re: Ibn Khaldun's Theory of Umran: How can Muslim Countries benefit from his tho الهادي هباني02-08-16, 11:57 AM
                  Re: Ibn Khaldun's Theory of Umran: How can Muslim Countries benefit from his tho الهادي هباني02-08-16, 11:58 AM
                    Re: Ibn Khaldun's Theory of Umran: How can Muslim Countries benefit from his tho الهادي هباني02-08-16, 11:59 AM
                      Re: Ibn Khaldun's Theory of Umran: How can Muslim Countries benefit from his tho الهادي هباني02-08-16, 12:23 PM
                        Re: Ibn Khaldun's Theory of Umran: How can Muslim Countries benefit from his tho الهادي هباني02-08-16, 12:24 PM
                          Re: Ibn Khaldun's Theory of Umran: How can Muslim Countries benefit from his tho الهادي هباني02-08-16, 12:25 PM
                            Re: Ibn Khaldun's Theory of Umran: How can Muslim Countries benefit from his tho الهادي هباني02-08-16, 12:25 PM
                              Re: Ibn Khaldun's Theory of Umran: How can Muslim Countries benefit from his tho الهادي هباني02-08-16, 12:26 PM
                                Re: Ibn Khaldun's Theory of Umran: How can Muslim Countries benefit from his tho الهادي هباني02-08-16, 12:27 PM

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