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I Fed the Pigeons/Mahjoub Sharif

04-12-2015, 04:48 PM
عائشة موسي السعيد
<aعائشة موسي السعيد
Registered: 07-10-2010
Total Posts: 1638

I Fed the Pigeons/Mahjoub Sharif

    03:48 PM Apr, 12 2015
    Sudanese Online
    عائشة موسي السعيد-KHARTOUM NORTH
    My Library at SudaneseOnline

    The newly published book of 10 poems of Mahjoub Sharif, Translated by Asha Musa
    The book carries the name of one of the poem which I am copying here..
    The book is now sold together with a CD of readings of the original poems by Mahjoub and his daughter Mariam.
    The translated poems are recited by Reel Mohammad Abdelhai..
    This is Mahjoub's First Annual Commemoration.

    I Fed the Pigeons
    شتتَ حباً للحمام
    Feeding pigeons,
    With joy flowing from the heart
    .He thought to invite others
    To share the seed
    Fresh water
    .The grandest feast
    . Beauty attracts affection..
    More precious than ivory tower
    That made our modest home
    A grand carnival pavilion
    The bush is now a platform
    The blooming branch a mike
    The place is filled with people
    All different and alike
    The cock in his cockscomb
    The hen with chicks so feeble
    Small clean cups resemble
    So white as cotton at harvest time
    The bevy of turtledoves politely perch
    Wrapped in coco-white cloaks
    Wad-Abraq* called his wife
    And all her friends too
    In bridal procession they drew
    Their pals in ‘brassiere’ trooped
    In uniform !
    The band of love so sweet
    Eyes like beads agleam
    Such tiny
    Tiny gems
    Like baking chisel
    Flapping and dancing.. Proper
    Cackling and chirping happily
    Around the rug of sand
    The morning shade for bedspread
    Over the spacious bed
    For pillow the lovely breeze
    The sparkling brook is laughing
    The grass grows to share
    Young palms all around
    Small kids scream aloud
    Soft clouds
    Send a drizzle
    Spreading wetted talk
    A flower calls its neighbor
    .Opening windows of scent
    Wearing their morning dresses
    Sleeves purely silk
    They sing to Peace
    Long live feathers
    To spread the Peace
    God keeps your off-spring
    God keeps your wing
    God keeps the trees
    Always green and flourishing
    God keeps the rain
    For health to beat all medicine
    God keeps the Festival on-the- go
    Against the wind that may blow
    Oh please God..This Carnival
    Keeps on the go
    Against the wind that may blow
    Dozing, I see myself fly
    I saw people fresh, on coaches ‘
    I pleased to see eyes gleaming
    With pleasure, and eagerness
    It looks as if, they spread diamonds
    I saw around booksellers
    Crowds for books Flemish
    .I spread love…for peace

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