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The Sudanese and Ethiopian Communities in the Kingdom of Belgium,: Acceptance form for peace

02-23-2021, 00:28 AM
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The Sudanese and Ethiopian Communities in the Kingdom of Belgium,: Acceptance form for peace

    11:28 PM February, 22 2021

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    Acceptance form for peace

    Date: 11 February 2021
    An appeal to support peaceful diplomatic means to avoid beating war drums in the borders tension between Sudan and Ethiopia.

    Reference: The Border Crisis between Sudan and Ethiopia,
    His Excellency, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Sudan,
    His Excellency, the Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Ethiopia,
    Dear Sirs,
    Via: Honorable the Ambassador of the Republic of the Sudan to the Kingdom of Belgium,
    Honorable the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Ethiopia to the Kingdom of Belgium,
    Dear Sirs,
    We kindly appeal to both of you, as head of the governments of the two countries, Sudan and Ethiopia, to adhere to the principles of good neighborhood, mutual respect and cooperation between the two states and the peoples to manage and solve your disputes through dialogue and negotiation, without reference to all forms of military actions as a means of resolving the current or any future conflicts,
    We sincerely launch this joint appeal, in the name of the Sudanese and Ethiopian communities in the Kingdom of Belgium, urging the governments of the two brotherly countries to resort to and support peaceful diplomatic means in the solution of their disputes, to avoid and reject any military escalation that will inevitably develop into a fierce war, causing devastating consequences on the two countries and threats the global peace and stability in the Horn of Africa as whole.
    We kindly proceed from this appeal to affirm our adherence and commitment to the deep-rooted historical relations between the two brotherly nations, the eternal historical and civilizational links and legacy, the blood relations, and mercy between the nations of the two countries.
    Military confrontations and war activities on the borders, which led to the loss of dear lives among the citizens of both sides, and the consequent destruction of means of livelihood which caused a displacement of the local population had caused vulnerability, and exposed the lives of civilians on both sides of the borders of the two countries, civilians are now suffering horrors of war, and its tragic consequences.
    Resorting to violence and mobilizing military forces will increases the tension and fuels the flames of war that do not remain anything. Hence, we call on the two parties to work together through joint task missions, to begin demarcating the borders according to the documented bilateral and historical agreements between the two countries, to immediately stop the military escalation that leads to disastrous consequences for both sides.
    To prevent any chance for external intervention in the already flamed Horn of Africa, which is already resumed, the two countries are highly requested to deal their problems bilaterally, and to rearrange their internal challenges peacefully, because war is destructive, with high cost in the light of the current fragile economy in the two countries, the delicate security, and instability the two countries are going through.
    Beating the drums of war weakens the cohesion of the social fabric and inherits hostility, so please let us all say together: “No to war, yes to peace”.
    We jointly and strongly appeal to both parties to adopt peace through negotiation and all amicable means of resolution of conflicts, peacefully and diplomatically, according to the United Nations charters, the rules of international law, and the African Union Charter, based on historical bilateral agreements which clearly adopted precedents to be bindingly followed by the two countries.
    The two countries were abided through history by good neighborliness, cooperation, mutual respect between the two nations, and common cultural valued.
    Mercy and forgiveness be upon the spirits that rose to the heavens from both sides, and most respect and appreciation to the Prime Ministers of the two brotherly countries.
    Wish you the best, and we assure the wisdom, knowledge, and deep understanding between your excellences to pave the way to overcome this dilemma. Ameen,
    Thank you so much for the value and importance you give to this appeal from your fellow citizens,

    Sincerely yours,
    Signature; ………………………………………
    The Sudanese and Ethiopian Communities in the Kingdom of Belgium,

    February 11, 2021

    A copy to the European Union, to help solution to the tensions between the two countries.

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