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News and Press ReleasesEuropean Union issues a statement on the first visit of its High Representative to Africa and Sudan
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European Union issues a statement on the first visit of its High Representative to Africa and Sudan

02-26-2020, 03:41 PM
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European Union issues a statement on the first visit of its High Representative to Africa and Sudan

    02:41 PM February, 26 2020

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    On Thursday 27 February, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission, Josep Borrell, will travel to Ethiopia to attend the 10th meeting of the African Union- European Union Commission to Commission. His visit will continue with bilateral discussions with Ethiopian authorities on Friday, 28 February. He will then travel to Sudan, on Saturday, 29 February and Sunday, 1st March.

    On Friday, High Representative/Vice-President Borrell will meet with the Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Abiy Ahmed to confirm the EU’s support to his political and economic reform agenda. He will also visit an EU-funded project that aims at Stemming Irregular Migration in Northern and Central Ethiopia (SINCE), as part of the EU’s concrete support in addressing economic and social challenges in the country.

    On Saturday, High Representative/Vice-President Borrell will travel to Sudan. He will meet Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok and the Chairman of the Sovereign Council Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan. He will bring a message of support to the civilian transition. He will deliver a speech at the University of Khartoum. He will also meet in Khartoum with Foreign Ministers from member countries of the Intergovernmental Authority for Development (IGAD). On Sunday, Josep Borrell will visit a camp for Internally Displaced People (IDPs) in Darfur.

    Audiovisual coverage of the entire visit will be provided by Europe by Satellite (EbS). For more information on EU-Ethiopia relations, visit the website of the EU Delegation to Ethiopia.

    For more information on EU-Sudan relations, visit the website of the EU Delegation to Sudan:


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