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News and Press ReleasesNo problems in our relations with the world: Sudanese President says
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No problems in our relations with the world: Sudanese President says

12-01-2014, 02:28 PM
SudaneseOnline News
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No problems in our relations with the world: Sudanese President says

    Khartoum-SudaneseOnline-Sudanese President, Omar Al-Bashir, has confirmed that the country’s foreign relations have no problem, pointing out that Khartoum has managed to overcome the strained relations with the Gulf States, besides development of relations with Asia and Latin America countries.
    During a meeting with leaders of the Sudanese newspaper editors on Sunday, Al-Bashir said that Sudan had made a breakthrough in its relations with some European countries despite the one approach followed by Europeans in foreign relations, noting that the trend toward the East has succeeded to the absence of a colonial legacy there, pointed out the successful relations with China
    He added that efforts are underway with countries in Latin America under the new leadership that emerged in the political field
    "We are seeking to create economic and commercial relations with those countries." Sudanese President said
    He stressed that his government is stick to a comprehensive ceasefire and will not agree to the so-called cessation of hostilities, nor will accept combining the cases of the Blue Nile and Sothern Kordofan states and Darfur, noting that Khartoum’s delegation Chief negotiator, Ibrahim Ghandour, is only tasked to discuss the issue of the Two areas and he would not discuss any other issue, and the head of Sudan’s Government delegation to Darfur negotiations, Dr. Amin Hassan Omer is tasked to negotiate with Darfur rebel movements according to Doha document.
    Sudan’s president also pledged to try the leader of the main opposition National Umma Party (NUP), Al-Sadiq al-Mahdi for his alliance with the rebel the Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF), adding al-Mahdi will be tried according to the law, no more no less”.

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