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News and Press ReleasesSudan is free of Ebola virus: WHO Spokesman discloses
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Sudan is free of Ebola virus: WHO Spokesman discloses

10-28-2014, 04:42 PM
SudaneseOnline News
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Sudan is free of Ebola virus: WHO Spokesman discloses

    SudaneseOnline-Spokesman for the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva, Tarik Jasarevic, has denied any case of Ebola in Sudan, adding that the Organization did not record deaths or cases of the disease in the country.
    Jasarevic told Khartoum-based Al-Rai Al-a, am newspaper on Monday that WHO considers Sudan where the disease has not spread so far, stating that the organization is continuing its studies and scientific research on the disease, explained for constant contacts and exchange of information with Member States in order to strengthen the protection measures, capacity-building and the necessary requirements for the control and provision of treatment and prevention and guidance necessary to prevent the transmission and spread of more injuries.
    WHO has announced one case was reported at Khartoum Airport coming from Sierra Leon, but following lab tests it was proven that the patient was free of Ebola, WHO representative in Sudan confirmed.
    A committee was set-up in collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Health to establish precautionary measures and train medical staff to deal with the disease, she said.
    The WHO official asserted that additional preventive action needs to be taken, particularly with many West Africans passing through Khartoum Airport on their way to pilgrimage in Mecca soon.

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