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News and Press ReleasesSecurity and Intelligence Service sues Al-Sadeq Al-Mahdi
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Security and Intelligence Service sues Al-Sadeq Al-Mahdi

05-13-2014, 05:49 PM
SudaneseOnline News
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Security and Intelligence Service sues Al-Sadeq Al-Mahdi

    Khartoum-The National Security and Intelligence Service has accused chairman of the Umma Party Imam Al-Sadeq Al-Mahdi of derogating the prestige of the state, distorting the reputation of the regular forces, threatening public tranquility and inciting the international community against the country.

    The Security service filed criminal case against Al-Mahdi at the state security attorney under articles 62/66/69/159 of the criminal code for 1991.

    The memorandum of the security service has accused Al-Mahdi of saying false, unjust defaming information on the Rapid Support Forces that belong to the security service during the press conference he held at the premises of the party in Omdurman last week.

    The memorandum pointed out that Al-Mahdi has accused the Rapid Support Forces of burning villages, raping, #####ng properties of the citizens, recruiting non-Sudanese elements into their ranks and working outside the scope of the regular forces.

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