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News and Press ReleasesSouth Darfur’s Kalma camp registers 19 rape cases within 12 days
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South Darfur’s Kalma camp registers 19 rape cases within 12 days

05-01-2014, 02:39 PM
Radio Dabanga
<aRadio Dabanga
Registered: 03-30-2014
Total Posts: 1745

South Darfur’s Kalma camp registers 19 rape cases within 12 days



    1 May

    .) -

    The Kalma camp for the displaced in Nyala locality, South Darfur, has witnessed 19 rape cases within a period of 12 days. Eight men were assaulted.

    Saleh Eisa, the secretary-general of the Kalma camp for the displaced reported to Radio Dabanga on Wednesday, that in the period between 16 and 27 April, 19 displaced women aged 17-40 years have been raped by “government-backed militiamen”, and eight men were beaten up.

    “All assaults occurred when the displaced left the camp to work on farmlands or collect firewood and palm leaves at the Barlei valley, or in the areas of Baba and Tonji, located about 3km northeast of the camp.”

    “The most violent rape occurred last Thursday when seven militia members wearing uniforms gang raped four women, aged 17, 19, 25, and 27 years. The men, four of them on camels and three on horses, shot at a fifth woman when she resisted and fled. She was injured in her right leg, and was transferred to Nyala hospital for treatment.”

    Photo: Women carry firewood and other belongings into the Khor Abeche Unamid base after the Khor Abeche camp for the displaced was destroyed by Rapid Support Forces (a Janjaweed militia, commanded by the Sudanese security apparatus), 7 April 2014 (Albert Gonzand#225;lez Farran/Unamid)


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