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News and Press ReleasesTribal leader: Darfur has returned to “Square one”
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Tribal leader: Darfur has returned to “Square one”

04-09-2014, 06:08 PM
SudaneseOnline News
<aSudaneseOnline News
Registered: 01-13-2014
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Tribal leader: Darfur has returned to “Square one”

    Khartoum-The chief of Al-Mahamid Tribe Mosa Hilal has said that the situation in Darfur region has come to the” first square”, describing the outcome of the advisory forum, which brought together President Al-bashir and the political powers in discussions on the future of Sudan, as positive.

    Hilal, who is currently present at Mostariha area in North Darfur state, has cautioned that the step might be political tactical.

    Senior leaders in the government has made contacts with Hilal last march with the aim of making a discussion with him and putting an end to the unannounced rebellion in North Darfur state.

    Hilal told the Citizen by phone that the step should be a roadmap plan to solve the Sudanese issue.

    He further expressed concern over the surge of the violence in Darfur, urging the state to support the inter-tribal and social reconciliations.

    “Bringing the differences between the tribes closer is the requested thing right now”, he added.

    He said that there are bodies that fuel the inter-tribal conflict in Darfur and speak about Arabs and Zurga a matter that splits the social fabric, saying that the situation in North Darfur is ignitable.

    He said that the recent attacks on villages and civilians increases the hatred between the population groups a matter that makes ensuring security by the state a must.

    He criticized the stance of the federal authority and the government of north Darfur toward the crisis that erupted in Jebel Amir at an earlier time.

    The government in Khartoum did not take any measures to deprive Hilal of his parliamentary immunity or relieve him from his executive post.

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Tribal leader: Darfur has returned to “Square one” SudaneseOnline News04-09-14, 06:08 PM

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