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News and Press ReleasesDr.Ghazi Salah-Eddin Atabani: National Congress may drop idea of dialogue after October
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Dr.Ghazi Salah-Eddin Atabani: National Congress may drop idea of dialogue after October

04-03-2014, 07:25 PM
SudaneseOnline News
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Dr.Ghazi Salah-Eddin Atabani: National Congress may drop idea of dialogue after October

    Khartoum-The former National Congress leading member, Ghazi Salah-Eddin Atabani, has called for issuance of decisions and choices of the national dialogue before October as the National Congress and the government may abandon the idea of dialogue itself, saying that “if this happened, Sudan, with its four crisis, will enter a vicious circle Sudan will not be able to find its way out of it without another divine measure.
    The chairman of Al-Islah Al-An ( Reform Now) movement, Dr. Ghazi Atabani has written an a article on his facebook page in which he said that the President of the Republic is in front of a fateful decision concerning the perception of his image before history. He has the choice of achieving the new national accord agreement before October. He has the choice of walking against the movement of history. He added.
    Ghazi said that Sudan faces four extreme problems: economic, security, foreign relations and political agreement crises.
    He said that these crises are enough to make Sudan a model for a new Arab spring, saying that the common popular saying is to postpone the Arab spring option and speed up the national dialogue option.
    He said that the popular revolution or the armed military actions, with their known consequences, are the alternatives of the political reform that is based on peaceful national dialogue.
    He said that the political reform is not an option that the government can take and leave whenever it wants, saying that the protection and commitment to dialogue should be made by the highest authority, and I will not be acceptable for the state organs to act as if they are two isolated islands.
    The National Congress is expected to hold its general conference next October to nominate its candidate for the Presidency of the Republic.

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Dr.Ghazi Salah-Eddin Atabani: National Congress may drop idea of dialogue after October SudaneseOnline News04-03-14, 07:25 PM

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