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News and Press ReleasesEgyptian government aims to develop relations with Sudan: Abdel Nour
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Egyptian government aims to develop relations with Sudan: Abdel Nour

03-17-2014, 05:27 PM
Daily News Egypt
<aDaily News Egypt
Registered: 03-10-2014
Total Posts: 18

Egyptian government aims to develop relations with Sudan: Abdel Nour

    By Menna Zaki

    Minister of Industry, Foreign Trade and Investment Mounir Fakhry Abdel Nour visited Khartoum, Sudan on Monday, heading a delegation of Egyptian businessmen and a number of members of the Egyptian Chambers of Commerce, with the aim of strengthening Egyptian-Sudanese relations.

    Abdel Nour is scheduled to meet with a number of Sudanese government officials, including the Minister of Foreign Trade and Investment and the president of the Sudanese Businessmen and Employers Federation, to discuss the economic relations between the two countries.

    The Egyptian-Sudanese business forum will present possible prospects for deepening and expanding joint cooperation between the two countries, according to a Monday statement from the foreign ministry.

    Abdel Nour will attend the opening of the international exhibition of printing and packaging (Nile Print) which took place in Khartoum and is organised by the Egyptian General Authority for Exhibitions and Conferences from 17 to 20 March.

    The exhibition is considered “a great opportunity” for the Egyptian companies to be in direct contact with all entities associated with printing and packaging in the African markets. The exhibition also involves Uganda, Kenya and Ethiopia.

    Abdel Nour noted that the Egyptian government is keen on supporting and developing relations between Egypt and Sudan, specifically in the fields of trade, industry and investment. He also added that he will discuss with Sudanese government officials the prospects of cooperation between the two countries and ways to “overcome the obstacles” that might hinder joint cooperation between Egypt and Sudan.

    - See more at: http://www.dailynewsegypt.com/2014/03/17/egyp...sthash.OCeRJHYl.dpuf

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