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News and Press ReleasesThe Sudanese Human Rights Monitor condemns killing and injuring of students at the University of Kh
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The Sudanese Human Rights Monitor condemns killing and injuring of students at the University of Kh

03-12-2014, 03:13 PM
المرصـد السـوداني لحقوق الانسان
<aالمرصـد السـوداني لحقوق الانسان
Registered: 03-12-2014
Total Posts: 3

The Sudanese Human Rights Monitor condemns killing and injuring of students at the University of Kh

    The Sudanese Human Rights Monitor

    Demands an independent investigation and prosecution of perpetrators
    Khartoum, 11th March 2014. The Sudanese Human Rights Monitor (SHRM) is monitoring with profound concern the rapid and successive events that began inside the campus of the University of Khartoum which led to the killing one student, Ali Abbakar Musa the student in the Faculty of Economy. Also, tens were injured and detained inside and outside the university campus.
    The events began during a political rally organized by some students from Darfur associations at the university focusing on the current developments in the region. The riot police used teargas to disperse students inside the university campus. A large number of armed men in civilian uniform broke into the university campus carrying firearms which resulted in the killing of the student, under the very nose and eyes of police force which was surrounding the university.
    The SHRM holds the Sudanese government responsible for the raid of the premises of the University of Khartoum and the unwarranted use of excessive force which led to the killing of a student inside the University campus, injuring others, some seriously and detaining other students whose number has not been specified until the preparation of this statement. We are seriously and with concern monitoring the escalation of violence inside the campuses of the Sudanese Universities, the repeated incidents of killings and the inability of the concerned authorities to track down the culprits and bring them to justice.
    The SHRM reaffirms the right of all citizens to the freedom of expression and peaceful protest and also states that it is the duty of the authorities of the Government of Sudan to protect these rights in accordance with the constitution and in line with Sudan’s international obligations. We call for the immediate release of all the detainees arrested as a result of today’s events or clear charges should be filed against them through a due legal process with the provision of full guarantees.
    The SHRM calls upon the authorities to conduct an independent investigation in the circumstances led to the killing and injuring of students. Findings of such investigation should be made public and perpetrators brought to justice. The failure to discharge this duty has been the cause for repeated loss of lives of citizens in various parts of the country. Impunity has not only posed threat to the safety and security of citizens, but also to the stability and unity of the country.

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