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News and Press ReleasesSudanese ambassador in Cairo describes as not true supporting Muslim
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Sudanese ambassador in Cairo describes as not true supporting Muslim

02-04-2014, 04:58 AM
SudaneseOnline News
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Registered: 01-13-2014
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Sudanese ambassador in Cairo describes as not true supporting Muslim

    Sudanese ambassador in Cairo describes as not true supporting Muslim Brotherhoods with weapons

    Cario-The Sudanese ambassador to Egypt Kamal-Eddin Hassan has described as absolutely not true the claims on the support to the Muslim Brotherhood group with arms by the Sudan.
    In a joint press conference after a closed meeting with the Chairman of the Egyptian Al-Wafd Party Dr. Al-sayed Al-Badawi, at the premises of the party on Sunday, the ambassador announced Sudan’s support to the future roadmap, other political developments in Egypt and the renaissance dam issue.

    Ambassador Kamal said that the Sudanese authorities and the Sudanese President have suggested formation of a joint military force to protect the common borders and ban smuggling of arms and maintain security in both countries.

    In response to a question on accusations by Sudanese opposition that the regime of Omer Al-Bashir and the National Congress Party are supporting the terrorist groups in Egypt, Kamal said that there are arms smuggling operations but they are not systematic and organized.
    He said the closed door meeting with Dr. Al-Badawi discussed the relations between the two counties. He said that Sudan welcomes the political developments in Egypt as the stability of Egypt is stability of the whole region.

    The ambassador said that the renaissance dam issue requires a serious dialogue between Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia. He added that Sudan will not take a stance that harms the national and water security of Egypt.

    On his part, Dr. Al-Badawi said that there are official contacts between the Sudanese and Egyptian armies to form joint patrols to secure the southern borders of Egypt and eradicate the phenomenon of arms smuggling.

    He added that he made several meetings and conducted telephone conversations with senior officials in Sudan during which they affirmed support to the roadmap, and opposition to any attempt to undermine security and stability in the Egyptian territories.

    He said that some media men ignore the nature of the people of Nile valley countries; saying that any article on Al-Wafad newspaper or any other Egyptian newspaper cannot spoil the good relations between the Egyptian and Sudanese people.

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