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News and Press ReleasesSudan sends 8000 fighters to Libya
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Sudan sends 8000 fighters to Libya

01-31-2014, 06:21 AM
SudaneseOnline News
<aSudaneseOnline News
Registered: 01-13-2014
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Sudan sends 8000 fighters to Libya

    Sudan sends 8000 fighters to Libya

    Khartoum-More than 8000 fighters from western Africa and Darfur region have crossed the Sudanese borders into Libya via planes, and with Qatari funding to fight for the Islamic battalions in the current battles in the south of Libya, the electronic newspaper of Al-Tagyeer said.

    In the meantime, the Sudanese and Libyan presidents met on the sidelines of the African summit in Addis Ababa on Wednesday where they discussed the bilateral relations and means of boosting them further.

    The Sudanese Foreign Minister, Ali Karti, has told Sudan News Agency that the meeting of Al-Bashir and Zaidan tackled the joint relations in all economic and investment fields to serve the interests of the two countries.

    Karti has described as excellent the Sudanese-Libyan relations, especially the efforts of securing the common borders, adding that the meeting reviewed the issues of mutual concern in the region.

    In the same context, the Sudanese Interior Minister, Abdel-Wahid Yousif, paid a visit to the joint border with Libya on Wednesday. He said in pres statements that the visit aims to get acquainted with the situations of joint forces in Karam Al-Toum on the common borders of Sudan, Libya and Egypt.

    The minister of Interior renewed keenness to provide these forces with their needs so that they are able to properly play their role in preventing smuggling, armed movements activities and safeguarding the land trade movement between Sudan, Egypt and Libya.

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Sudan sends 8000 fighters to Libya SudaneseOnline News01-31-14, 06:21 AM

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