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Sudan: Criminalization of human rights work threatens protection of freedoms

No Interdict of Marriage to any of the People of the Book Reply to Mohammed Wag

Welcome the Partial Release of JEM affiliated Prisoners of War by President Bash

U.S. Congresswoman Calls Iraqi, Syrian Leaders Most Sincere in Fighting Terroris.

Sudan radical rulers got what they lacked before ….impunity

Sudan and Trump’s Era In Reply to Sadiq Al Ruzeigi, Chair of Journalists Union

The impact of war on mothers and children’s in Nuba Mountains

Darfur Union In the UK Commemorates the 8th Anniversary of Bashir Indictment

Title Replies Views Author Last Modified
Launch of Sudanese electronic gateway project 0 4510 SudaneseOnline News 02-09-15, 06:15 PM
3 Sudanese Red Cross workers killed in war-torn Blue Nile 0 4742 THE TIMES OF INDIA 02-09-15, 06:08 PM
Russian company is willing to invest in oil in Sudan 0 3305 SudaneseOnline News 02-09-15, 06:02 PM
Beja Congress to Sudan’s ruling party: ‘Our patience has run out’ 0 5710 Radio Dabanga 02-09-15, 06:01 PM
Three staff of the Sudanese Red Crescent killed in an attack in Blue Nile state 0 3986 SudaneseOnline News 02-09-15, 05:06 PM
Militia officers stripped of their ranks in Central Darfur 0 4264 Radio Dabanga 02-09-15, 05:04 PM
3 million dollar support from Finland for the needy in Sudan 0 4089 SudaneseOnline News 02-09-15, 05:01 PM
Three Sudanese aid workers killed in Blue Nile state 0 4777 Radio Dabanga 02-09-15, 04:59 PM
Removing of (37) impediments to foreign investment: Sudan’s Minister of Invest... 0 5386 SudaneseOnline News 02-09-15, 04:55 PM
Activists oppose Sudanese govt. officials visit to USA 1 6057 Radio Dabanga 02-08-15, 09:14 PM
by test6
SLM-SR statement in response to ICC Chief Prosecutor Suspension of Darfur Invest... 0 5750 SudaneseOnline Press Release 02-08-15, 07:47 PM
Sudanese top official in Washington today 1 5159 SudaneseOnline News 02-08-15, 07:07 PM
by test8
EU calls for immediate release of political detainees in Sudan 1 4893 Radio Dabanga 02-08-15, 05:38 PM
by test by me
Sudan’s Al-Turabi calls for unification of the political parties and forming m... 0 5668 SudaneseOnline News 02-08-15, 05:06 PM
LJM ex-rebels continue integration process into Sudan’s army 0 5445 Radio Dabanga 02-08-15, 05:04 PM
Sudan’s president scoffed at the campaign launched by the opposition to boycot... 0 5063 SudaneseOnline News 02-08-15, 04:58 PM
Fire destroys 45 houses in Abu Suruj camp, West Darfur 0 4632 Radio Dabanga 02-08-15, 04:55 PM
Sudanese-Kuwaiti Ministerial Committee meets tomorrow in Kuwait 0 3591 SudaneseOnline News 02-08-15, 04:53 PM
MP demands rule of law restored in North Darfur 2 6866 SudaneseOnline News 02-08-15, 03:26 PM
by بكرى ابوبكر
Khartoum tells Mbeki that Juba continues to support the armed movements 2 5466 SudaneseOnline News 02-08-15, 05:47 AM
by بكرى ابوبكر
US, UK and Norway calls South Sudanese factions to reach a final peace agreement 0 5888 SudaneseOnline News 02-07-15, 06:38 PM
Woman raped on farm in North Darfur 0 4329 Radio Dabanga 02-07-15, 06:37 PM
Sudan’s opposition visits the detained leading opposition figures 0 5632 SudaneseOnline News 02-07-15, 06:32 PM
Skin diseases, food shortage in Jebel Marra: newly displaced 0 5073 Radio Dabanga 02-07-15, 04:54 PM
Karti visit to Washington has nothing to do with Merriam Ibrahim issue: Sudan sa... 1 6288 SudaneseOnline News 02-07-15, 04:51 PM
by SudaneseOnline News
Students clash in Omdurman, several seriously wounded 0 5642 Radio Dabanga 02-07-15, 04:50 PM
Ethiopia to send more peacekeepers to Sudan’s disputed area of Abyei 0 4762 SudaneseOnline News 02-07-15, 04:47 PM
Opposition's symposium stopped by Sudan security 0 5149 Radio Dabanga 02-07-15, 04:44 PM
US Secretary of State is pressing for a UN vote creating an arms embargo on Sout... 0 5560 SudaneseOnline News 02-06-15, 04:24 PM
Gunmen steal cash from stores in South Darfur capital 0 6232 Radio Dabanga 02-06-15, 04:23 PM
Sudan’s former First Vice President says that the national dialogue is only wa... 0 4665 SudaneseOnline News 02-06-15, 04:20 PM
Death toll 15 from attack on North Darfur market 0 5989 Radio Dabanga 02-06-15, 04:18 PM
Director of UN Economic Commission for Africa visits Sudan 0 4945 SudaneseOnline News 02-06-15, 04:15 PM
Firewood collectors assaulted in Kabkabiya, North Darfur 0 5046 Radio Dabanga 02-06-15, 04:12 PM
Sudan: Detained opposition leader hospitalised 0 5196 SudaneseOnline News 02-06-15, 02:42 PM
Sudan’s president supports the Arab Parliament efforts 0 4825 SudaneseOnline News 02-06-15, 02:39 PM
Boy burns to death in attack on villages in North Darfur 0 6398 Radio Dabanga 02-06-15, 02:37 PM
Sudan’s government discloses that Mbeki has not submitted written proposals to... 0 5070 SudaneseOnline News 02-06-15, 02:32 PM
Sudanese displaced by Merowe Dam demand compensation 0 3908 Radio Dabanga 02-06-15, 02:29 PM
UNHCR welcomes the registration of South Sudanese citizens in Khartoum 0 4680 SudaneseOnline Press Release 02-05-15, 09:25 PM
Sudan and Arab League discuss providing assistance to Darfur 0 5607 SudaneseOnline News 02-04-15, 06:00 PM
Another South Sudan Newspaper Ordered to Close 0 4810 Voice of America 02-04-15, 05:58 PM
Sudan's Minister for Investment meets Bahraini Foreign Minister 0 3916 SudaneseOnline News 02-04-15, 05:52 PM
Thirst in North Darfur’s Shangil Tobaya camps 0 6771 Radio Dabanga 02-04-15, 05:51 PM
Failed attempt to blow up Sudanese embassy in Tripoli 0 3739 SudaneseOnline News 02-04-15, 05:47 PM
Commission to probe recent tribal violence in Gireida, South Darfur 0 5194 Radio Dabanga 02-04-15, 04:56 PM
Sudanese Journalists Union rejects confiscation of the newspapers 0 4094 SudaneseOnline News 02-04-15, 04:49 PM
Sudan is holding Abu Eisa, Madani hostage: lawyer 0 5209 Radio Dabanga 02-04-15, 04:46 PM
EU and Sudan’s opposition leader al-Turabi discuss the national dialogue 0 4634 SudaneseOnline News 02-04-15, 04:42 PM
Sudan’s Ministry of Culture orders the closure of the Sudanese Writer’s Unio... 0 6219 african centre for justice 02-03-15, 08:10 PM
Abductors of two Russians in Sudan demand a ransom for their release 0 3886 SudaneseOnline News 02-03-15, 05:19 PM
Print-run of Akhir Lahza seized in Sudan’s capital 0 5970 Radio Dabanga 02-03-15, 05:15 PM
Sudan condemns the killing of two Japanese hostages by the Islamic State 0 4359 SudaneseOnline News 02-03-15, 05:11 PM
Red Sea state, eastern Sudan, imposes tourism support fees 0 5619 Radio Dabanga 02-03-15, 04:13 PM
Sudan’s government warns those who seek to disrupt the elections 0 5299 SudaneseOnline News 02-03-15, 04:11 PM
Sudan: Detention of Abu Eisa, Madani extended for two weeks 0 6529 Radio Dabanga 02-03-15, 04:10 PM
AU mediation puts forward a new approach to negotiations in Sudanese conflict 0 4906 SudaneseOnline News 02-03-15, 04:06 PM
Sudanese opposition starts Leave! campaign 0 6796 Radio Dabanga 02-03-15, 04:01 PM
First National Knowledge Share Fair on Agriculture in Sudan 0 4209 SudaneseOnline Press Release 02-02-15, 09:16 PM
Press Release from Sudanese Writers Union (SWU) 0 5124 SudaneseOnline Press Release 02-02-15, 09:08 PM
Statement of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Fatou Bensouda,... 0 5448 ICC Public Affairs Unit 02-02-15, 08:56 PM
Liberation and Justice Movement -LJM apology to people of Darfur 0 5229 Radio Dabanga 02-02-15, 05:40 PM
AU movements to withdraw Darfur file from (ICC): Sudanese Foreign Minister 0 5026 SudaneseOnline News 02-02-15, 05:37 PM
400 JEM faction combatants to merge with Sudan army 0 5854 Radio Dabanga 02-02-15, 05:36 PM
EU expresses its concern at the difficulties facing Sudan’s national dialogue 0 5431 SudaneseOnline News 02-02-15, 04:44 PM
More bombs fall on Golo, Central Darfur 0 6445 Radio Dabanga 02-02-15, 04:43 PM
Sudanese court renews detention of opposition leader 0 5872 SudaneseOnline News 02-02-15, 04:41 PM
Sudanese El Midan gagged for 10th time 0 5136 Radio Dabanga 02-02-15, 04:40 PM
Sudan and Bahrain sign an agreement to secure the food security 0 4351 SudaneseOnline News 02-02-15, 04:37 PM
The Evacuation of the World Foof Programme Team Through an Initaitive by New Sud... 0 5338 الحركه الشعبيه لتحرير السودان شمال 02-02-15, 01:11 AM
AU calls on (ICC) to drop or suspend charges against Sudan’s president and Ken... 0 4936 SudaneseOnline News 02-01-15, 06:40 PM
Population ‘trapped’ in Central Darfur’s Golo 0 4790 Radio Dabanga 02-01-15, 06:39 PM
Sudanese rebels releases the 6th Bulgarian working for (WFP) 0 4879 SudaneseOnline News 02-01-15, 06:36 PM
NCF to launch campaign against Sudan’s April elections 0 5663 Radio Dabanga 02-01-15, 05:09 PM
Zuma finalizes an agreement for co-operation in a number of fields with Sudan 0 5771 SudaneseOnline News 02-01-15, 05:07 PM
10th anniversary of The Massacre marked in Port Sudan 0 6885 Radio Dabanga 02-01-15, 05:06 PM
Sudan’s opposition urges the citizens to boycott the elections 0 4894 SudaneseOnline News 02-01-15, 05:03 PM
Central Darfur’s Mukjar horror movie after sunset 0 4887 Radio Dabanga 02-01-15, 05:02 PM
U.S undertakes to review the economic embargo on Sudan 0 4585 SudaneseOnline News 02-01-15, 04:56 PM
Sudan opposition leader defends women rights 1 6984 Radio Dabanga 02-01-15, 06:06 AM
by بكرى ابوبكر
Statement from Sudan liberation Movement/Army on Islamists' terrorists base in J... 1 6892 حركة تحرير السودان جناح عبد الواحد 02-01-15, 05:57 AM
by بكرى ابوبكر
USAID, BRAC Launch Project to Reach Out-of-School Children in South Sudan 0 5136 SudaneseOnline News 01-30-15, 06:29 PM
Africa Union Peace and Security Council stands in the way of Justice in South Su... 0 4758 SudaneseOnline Press Release 01-30-15, 06:27 PM
Former Sudan Lost Boy Becomes Chess Master in NYC 0 5737 Voice of America 01-30-15, 05:46 PM
Sudanese-Chinese talks convened today in Khartoum 1 7791 SudaneseOnline News 01-30-15, 03:56 AM
by بكرى ابوبكر
Bulgaria discloses that Sudan’s rebel SPLM-N taken captive six of nationals 0 4707 SudaneseOnline News 01-28-15, 05:14 PM
Sudanese official commends Kuwait's relentless support to Sudan 0 3883 KUNA-Kuwait News Agency 01-28-15, 05:12 PM
Britain contributes £7 million to the UN’s Common Humanitarian Fund appeal fo... 0 4585 SudaneseOnline News 01-28-15, 05:08 PM
Tripoli attack: Authorities questioning collaborator- IS says gunmen were Tunisi... 0 5936 MaltaToday 01-28-15, 05:06 PM
China promises to cement the political trust with Sudan 0 4267 SudaneseOnline News 01-28-15, 05:00 PM
Villagers fleeing attacks in North Darfur could die of thirst 0 4776 Radio Dabanga 01-28-15, 04:16 PM
Al-Bashir meets Chadian President today in Khartoum 0 3601 SudaneseOnline News 01-28-15, 04:13 PM
Sudan’s El Midan daily gagged by security again 0 8008 Radio Dabanga 01-28-15, 04:11 PM
Sudan’s president provides guarantees to the rebels to participate in the inte... 0 4744 SudaneseOnline News 01-28-15, 04:07 PM
China pledges stronger exchanges with Sudan 0 4469 Xinhua News Agency 01-28-15, 04:06 PM
3,000 child soldiers will be released from an armed group in South Sudan 0 4589 SudaneseOnline News 01-27-15, 06:30 PM
Boy dies as Sudanese MiG strafes Jebel Marra farms 0 5320 Radio Dabanga 01-27-15, 06:28 PM
We give priority to our relations with Sudan: Chinese ambassador says 0 4289 SudaneseOnline News 01-27-15, 06:26 PM
Large fire displaces Central Darfuris 0 5029 Radio Dabanga 01-27-15, 06:24 PM
AU mediator made no progress in the dialogue: Sudan’s opposition 0 5118 SudaneseOnline News 01-27-15, 06:21 PM

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