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The War of Khartoum’s Documentation (1): Opposing Announcements

12-16-2023, 08:07 PM
محمد علي صالح
<aمحمد علي صالح
Registered: 10-26-2013
Total Posts: 108

The War of Khartoum’s Documentation (1): Opposing Announcements

    07:07 PM December, 16 2023

    Sudanese Online
    محمد علي صالح-واشنطن-الولايات المتحدة
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    The War of Khartoum’s Documentation (1): Opposing Announcements
    Washington, Mohammad Ali Salih
    Excerpts. Opposing Announcements: Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) and Rapid Support Forces (RSF).
    Twitter (X), April – November 2023
    SAF First Announcements, 16 April, 2023
    RSF First Announcements, 22 April, 2023
    SAF, Twitter (X)
    16 April, 2023
    “We re-assure the Sudanese citizens that their armed forces are coherent. In its best. It performs its duties with a high morale. The situation will be decided very soon, God willing ...
    “The overall situation is very stable. Limited clashes took place in the vicinity of the General Command. The enemy targeted some Command’s buildings, in attempts to cover its repeated defeats. We expect the targeting of more buildings ...
    "We reassure our nobleSudanese people that the leadership of the Armed Forces keeps its promise to you. No retreat. No change in our plans.
    We hope that Almighty God will return to their senses those who have committed this foolishness that is destroying our country …
    17 April, 2023
    “Our Air Force have carried out strikes against several hostile targets in the capital. We will continue to hit them until we destroy their last pocket in the capital.
    They are destroying properties, looting homes and threatening the defenseless citizens ...
    "The Armed Forces are completely controlling its headquarters. There is no truth to the rumors by the enemy that it is controlling the General Command, the Republican Palace, or the Hospitality House (“Bait Al-Diafa”) …
    "The Commander-in-Chief has issued a declaration to dissolve the Rapid Support Forces. He declared that they are rebels against the state. And that they will be dealt with accordingly ….
    “Some buildings near the General Command have been targeted since the beginning of the rebellion.
    The rebels are saying that they controlled these buildings. That is part of their rumors to deceive the citizens. But, burning of a building here or there is usually part of any military confrontation …
    “We manage our battle as planned. We work according to the rules of engagement and international humanitarian laws. We control our General Command. We are very close to the moment of final victory. We have moved to the last phase of our operation plan, which is chasing the rebels. They are now running away in different directions …
    "In reference to the Armed Forces officers who have been working with the now-dissolved Rapid Support Forces, the Commander-in-Chief has issued an order to end their assignments there …
    15 May, 2023
    “Today, your proud Sudanese army officers and soldiers have dealt a decisive defeat to the rebels. They have captured a large logistical supply of weapons, ammunition and fuel that was being transported to the enemy positions …
    Today, also, your proud Sudanese officers and soldiers attacked the enemy positions East of the Nile (“Sharq Alneel”). And around the hospital there that was occupied by the enemy forces at the start of the war, endangering the lives of patients, physicians, and staff …
    16 May, 2023
    “Your proud armed forces continue to monitor all rebel movements inside and outside Khartoum.
    Your proud armed forces are fully prepared and determined to thwart the enemy’s malicious intentions and plans.
    Your proud armed forces are inspired by their strong belief in Almighty God, and shall win soon, God willing …
    21 June, 2023
    “Our forces launched a number of successful strikes against rebel militia gatherings in several locations, causing heavy losses among the rebels, especially in northern Omdurman and southern Khartoum Bahri …
    17 July, 2023
    “The proud Sudanese people have not only been supporting their proud armed forces, but have, also, fought with them, side by side …
    This is part of a poem by Colonel Sir-Alkhatim Al-Salamabi:
    (Translation from Arabic): “The army is the people’s army. There is no other army. The army is highly qualified. The army shall win, God willing …”
    20 August, 2023
    “Our forces continue to monitor the rebels’ intentions accurately. We are fully prepared to deal with them with full force and determination.
    “Nasron min Allah wa fathon qareeb” (Victory from God, and a soon winning).
    “#Khazion wa a’ar lil malishia al-motamarida” (Shame and disgrace to the rebelled militia).
    August 20, 2023
    “Your proud forces confirm that all areas outside Khartoum are stable, thanks to God.
    Please do not listen to rumors that are being spread by the enemy.
    God is with us, not with those criminals …
    September 6, 2023 (from Port Sudan)
    “Today, the Chairman of the Sovereignty Council and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Lieutenant-General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, issued a constitutional decree dissolving the Rapid Support Forces...
    October 9, 2023
    “Our forces in the Al-Shajara military area, with God’s help, thwarted attacks by the rebel militia on the Armored Corps and the Ammunition Complex...
    October 19, 2023
    “In a new violation of international humanitarian law, and continuing their war crimes, the rebel militia targeted, today, Al-Naw Hospital, in northern Omdurman. This criminal act caused the death of four people and the wounding of others...
    October 20, 2023
    “Resuming negotiations (in Jeddah) does not mean stopping the battle for national dignity. The goal of the Sudanese people, and the goal of its armed forces, is to eliminate the rebels. The armed forces, in the name of the Sudanese people, are committed to achieving this goal...
    November 18, 2023
    “Continuing its destructive project to destroy the country, the terrorist rebel militia, at dawn today, destroyed the Jabal Awlia reservoir bridge.
    Shame and disgrace to those mercenaries and rebels...

    Rapid Support Forces: First Announcements
    X (Twitter)
    22 April, 2023
    “As our forces have been stationed East of the Nile, today they were attacked by Islamist Remnants (“Alfolool”).
    Our forces not only chased the attackers back to their camp, but, also, were able to take over the camp.
    In Khartoum North (“Bahri”), our forces faced another attack, and, again, were able to counter it. Our forces were able to seize 60 fully-armed military vehicles, destroy ten, and kill tens of the enemy soldiers. Many others ran away.
    In Khartoum No. 2 (“Nimra Itnain”), the enemy also attacked our forces, but, again, was countered. Four military vehicles were taken and the fifth was destroyed.
    At the Military Industrial Center (Markaz Al-Tasnee’ Al-Harbi”), our forces, again, were able to counter an attack by the enemy. Again, we defeated them …
    “Not only did we defeat the enemy at the Military Industrial Center, but we were, also, able to completely control the Center. Currently, we are counting all the equipment and the armaments inside …
    23 April, 2023
    “The Rapid Support Forces at dawn today, Sunday, coordinated with the six American military planes that had arrived in Khartoum, to evacuate American diplomats and their families.
    Before the evacuation, our leaders met with the Americans, coordinated the plan and supervised its implementation.
    This is one example of how our forces are coordinating with foreign embassies in Khartoum to evacuate their diplomats and their families.
    We would like to assure foreign governments that their diplomats and families in Khartoum will be fully protected …
    23 April, 2023
    “It has been clear, since the war began last Saturday and the repercussions that preceded the war, that the leaders of the army coup (of 25 October, 2021), and their allies, the extremists (the Islamists), wanted to restore the old regime (of President Omer Al-Bashir).
    Today, this fact has been as clear as ever …
    24 April, 2023
    “Today, Al-Burhan forces carried out an air strike on separate residential neighborhoods in Khartoum. Among other places, in Doha neighborhood of Omdurman, and Kalakala area, south of Khartoum.
    We strongly condemn this brutal barbarian attack …
    27 April, 2023
    “This morning, Al-Burhan forces attacked our military camp in Kafoori, in Khartoum North, by air and with tanks and military vehicles. Our soldiers responded and incurred great losses on the ground forces, and chased them …
    28 April, 2023
    “This is to confirm that we control over 90% of the entire Khartoum State. And that all check points leading to the state are fully controlled by our forces.
    Today, some of our military bases were overwhelmed by large numbers of officers and soldiers who ran away from Al-Burhan army, and surrendered.
    They included five officers, with different ranks, led by a colonel from the Engineers Force (“Silah Al-Mohandiseen”).
    We are sorting out ranks, and weapons, of others, as many officers and soldiers have deserted their military vehicle, thrown away their guns, and got-rid of their military uniforms …
    In another field of our activities, we are working to restore law and order in Khartoum State.
    In Khartoum North (“Bahri”), we arranged for a group of engineers to fix the main water facilities. But, before they finished the job, they were attacked by enemy forces …
    In Khartoum, we helped a group of gold merchants to reach their stores, and remove their golds …
    Meantime, we have been bombarded by intense media attacks from the defeated Al-Burhan army and his “folool” (Islamist) allies. They have been twisting the facts that are clear everyone. That we control 90 percent of Khartoum State …
    5 May, 2023
    Today, the defeated army, and the extremist remnants of the former regime, carried out an air attack on the old Presidential Palace. They used an Intense missile attack, which led to its destruction...
    May 12, 2023
    “Captain Sufyan stated that the Rapid Support is in control of all of Khartoum. He said that the aerial bombardment of civilian targets is nothing but a slaughtered farce that is killing innocent people...
    June 2, 2023
    “Continuing its successive crimes and wanting to burn the country, the aircraft of the defeated putschists launch raids in conjunction with artillery shelling on the warehouse area (Jabra), which contains large quantities of flammable materials. That has caused severe damage to buildings and storage containers of fuel and explosive materials...
    June 28, 2023
    “At the initiative of the Commander of the Rapid Support Forces, Lieutenant General Mohamed Hamdan Dalqo, we released 100 prisoners from the armed forces, including 25 wounded...
    July 6, 2023
    “The Rapid Support Forces welcomed the honorable regiments of the Armed Forces who joined the Sudanese people’s choice. They were led by Colonel Makki Daoud Al-Malih, from the Corps of Engineers in Omdurman...
    August 5, 2023
    “Today, the Al-Burhan militia, and the extremist remnants of the former regime, tried to break our siege of the Armored Corps in Al-Shajara. They were confronted by the bravery and steadfastness of our forces, who thwarted their adventures and chased them back. They ran away, leaving behind large number of dead soldiers, equipment and prisoners...
    August 22, 2023
    “Today, the Rapid Support Forces achieved a new victory over the forces of Al-Burhan in the Armored Corps in Al-Shajara. They were able to control the entire camp, except for small pockets that are being dealt with...
    September 3, 2023
    “These videos depict the bravest of the Rapid Support inside the Armored Corps camp. Here they are chanting victory songs and refuting the claims and misinformation of the defeated Al-Burhan’s soldiers..
    October 26, 2023
    “Within the framework of strengthening confidence, and in confirmation of the sincere desire for the success of the negotiations, the leadership of the Rapid Support Forces directed the release of 265 prisoners from Al-Burhan’s army ....
    October 31, 2023
    “Under the guidance of Lieutenant General Muhammad Hamdan Dagalo, we released the second group of prisoners of A-Burhan’s, with the assistance of the Sudanese Red Cross/Red Crescent …
    November 7, 2023
    “Today, Tuesday, November 7, the Burhan forces, with the help of his extremist allies, committed a heinous crime by bombing the Al-Jaili Petroleum Refinery and destroying the main warehouses.
    This is nothing but a desperate step to destroy what remains of the capabilities of the Sudanese people and the country's infrastructure...
    November 21, 2023
    “The Imam of the Tijaniya Order in Jabal Awliya has received your victorious forces. The Imam called on citizens to return to their homes, which have become safe -- thanks to the Rapid Support Forces …
    November 23, 2023
    “This is a statement that was issued by a senior leader of JEM (Justice and Equality Movement): “Gibriel Ibrahim is no longer the leader of JEM. He colluded with those who killed his brother, Khalil Ibrahim. We are with the Rapid Support Forces against traitors...
    November 24, 2023
    “Continuing its heinous crimes against civilians and defenseless innocents, today, Friday, Al-Burhan's aircrafts carried out air strikes in the Central Market in Khartoum. And in the Bayt al-Mal neighborhood in Omdurman. And in areas in Southern Khartoum. These brutal enemy attacks have killed dozens of civilians, including women and children...
    November 25, 2023
    “The Sudan Liberation Movement, Mustafa Tambour’s wing, announced that it was siding, with all its equipment, with the Rapid Support Forces...
    Next: The War of Khartoum’s Documentation (2): IGAD: From Somalia to Sudan
    Mohammad Ali Salih/Facebook
    [email protected]

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