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The War of Absurdism in Sudan

07-14-2023, 12:58 PM
Mohamed Yousif
<aMohamed Yousif
Registered: 10-24-2014
Total Posts: 295

The War of Absurdism in Sudan

    12:58 PM July, 14 2023

    Sudanese Online
    Mohamed Yousif-Vienna
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    The War of Absurdism in Sudan
    “Wars result from selfishness, from misdirected aggressive impulses, from stupidity. Other causes are secondary…” (Waltz).
    Just towards her shift end, in a very busy medical center hit by a bombshell came from nowhere, she rang her father terrified and shaky asking him to send somebody to pick her from the rebel. Arriving home she through her self in the arms of her father, who was waiting for her at the gate of their home, she felt peace in the warm embrace of her loving adorable father. She proceeded to the kitchen to prepare a cup of coffee for her father and then out of the blue, a bullet pierced through her heart, she collapsed to the floor with a cry that vibrated intensely through the house and beyond.


    The War of Absurdism in Sudan
    Civil War and Revolution
    Colonial invading powers.

    Strangers came plundered and killed
    Then left,
    More strangers came and left.
    More strangers came and fought.
    Strangers got tired,
    Sat in a room full of smoke
    And scattered bottles of Whiskeys.
    They talked and talked.
    They set tools, a large paper and a ruler,
    Drew lines dividing the land,
    Lines through tiny villages,
    Dividing families.
    They called the lines, boarders,
    Crossing them would set fires,
    Killing every movement,
    And burned Huts.
    They built roads,
    Destroying Songlines,
    That the natives used as their roads;
    Thus; Losing their directions.

    Thus, they focused on the domestic conflicts of civil wars that drive states to violence. While their conclusions mostly revolve around class friction it is common for states to have ideological differences within their territorial borders leading to an attempt to establish a majority or revolution through violence. In order for the communities, created by artificial boarders, they needed to escalate conflict to the point of war to gain independence based on ethnicity. Even after a revolution is successful or civil war is resolved the lingering ideology may still exist, dormant, in that society, leading to future conflict.
    ……. a bullet pierced through her heart, she collapsed to the floor with a cry that vibrated intensely through the house and beyond. The father hugging the motionless body of his daughter, bewilder gazing through an endless empty space …. tears dried on her flowery face … holding her tied couldn’t utter a word but persist to hold her body to his till they peeled him from her body … he never recovered and few days later he died following his beloved daughter.

    The War of Absurdism in Sudan
    Civil War and Revolution

    When you sip your tea up to the last drop in your mug and lay the mug on the tray before you and relax back and sink into your seat, and if you have a sensitive nature, you cannot avoid and feel a certain melancholy at the thought of all the labour … toil … pain that have been required to provide you with few minutes delight and self-satisfaction. These reflections became more piteous, distressing still when you are eating thick slices of steak. Since our planet became capable of supporting life through generations for millions upon millions of years creatures have come into existence, to end at last upon a plate can only emphasise human arrogance. It may be that being unconcerned human feeling cannot venture beyond the moments while eating a steak. The fate of human being is rather curious to consider. If you observe the ordinary persons from all walks of life and think of the endless history behind them and the course of events through a long series of hazards and peril that brought them to this moment, one would think a huge significance must be attached to them. Perhaps ordained or follow a predetermined pass by a fate over which they have no control. Perhaps they exist in dynamical systems which become chaotic, or totally unpredictable, or having a Fractal dimension that reflects an infinite similarity.
    During the thousands of years of wandering the modern humans began encountering a new really tough enemy. They began to encounter other Homo sapiens who, during emigration and relocation in other parts of the globe and settled into new territories developing their own languages and their own way of life. These encounters between these groups, all belong to imaginative Homo sapiens, battled each other, for thousands years right up to the present time, trying to gain dominance over the other. History and prehistory is full of these bloody wars and battles and there is no sign of letup in this deadly chaos, disorder, havoc, and turmoil. There has been a constant struggle to gain superiority over their enemies with new and better deadly technology. Warfare technology has become so sophisticated and deadly that mankind is now capable of destroying itself and possibly even the planet. The cruelty, barbarity, savagery and ruthlessness, of modern human are beyond descriptions.
    In his poems on slavery Longfellow wrote to William Channing (who campaigned against slavery in America):
    Well done! Thy words are great and bold;
    At times they seem to me
    Like Luther’s, in the days of old,
    Half-battles for the free.

    Go on, until this land revokes
    The old and chartered Lie,
    The feudal curse, whose whips and yokes
    Insult humanity.

    Write! And tell out this bloody tale;
    Record this dire eclipse,
    This day of Wrath, this Endless Wail,
    This dread Apocalypse!
    He went on describing the long way to hell, of the victims forced into slavery.
    Beside the ungathered rice he lay,
    His sickle in his hand;
    His breast was bare, his matted hair
    Was buried in the sand.
    Again, in the mist and shadow of sleep,
    He saw his Native Land.
    Wide through the landscape of his dreams
    The lordly Niger flowed;
    Beneath the palm-trees on the plane
    Once more a king he strode;
    And heard the tinkling caravans
    Descend the mountain-road.

    He saw once more his dark-eyed queen
    Among her children stand;
    They clasped his neck, they kissed his cheeks,
    They held him by the hand!
    A tear burst from the sleeper’s lids,
    And fell into the sand.

    And then at furious speed he rode
    Along the Niger’s bank;
    His pride-rein were golden chains,
    And, with a martial clank,
    At each leap he could feel his scabbard of steel
    Smiting his stallion’s flank.

    Before him, like a blood-red flag,
    The bright flamingos flew;
    From morn till night he followed their flight,
    O’er plains where the tamarind grew,
    Till he saw the roofs of Caffre huts,
    And the ocean rose to view.

    At night he heard the lion roar,
    And the hyenas scream,
    And the river-horse, as he crushed the reeds
    Beside some hidden stream;
    And it passed, like a glorious roll of drums,
    Through the triumph of his dream.

    The forests, with their myriad tongues,
    Shouted of liberty;
    And the blast of the desert cried aloud,
    With a voice so wild and free,
    That he started in his sleep and smiled
    At their tempestuous glee.

    He did not feel the driver’s whip,
    Nor the burning heat of day;
    For death had illumined the land of sleep,
    And his lifeless body lay
    A worn-out fetter, that the soul
    Had broken and thrown away!
    All the things above were bright and fair,
    All the things were glad and free;
    Lithe squirrels darted here and there,
    And wild birds filled the echoing air
    With songs of liberty!

    On him alone was the doom of pain,
    From the morning of his birth;
    On him alone the curse of Cain
    Fell, like a flail on the garnered grain,
    And struck to the earth!
    In the ocean’s wide domain,
    Half buried in the sand,
    Lie skeletons in chains,
    With shackled feet and hands.
    These are the bones of Slaves;
    They gleam from the abyss;
    They cry from yawning waves,
    ‘’We are the Witnesses!’’
    And oft the blessed time foretells
    When all men shall be free;
    And musical, as silver bells,
    Their falling chains shall be.

    Alas; but the cruelty among human, to this day, remain, we are witnessing.

    The War of Absurdism in Sudan
    Civil War and Revolution
    Of all the animals, man is the only one that lies.
    Mark Twain

    Many roads lead to riches. And most are dirty.

    The goddess of fortune is not only blind themselves, but usually it also makes those blind, has ensnared them.
    Greed caused all crimes and misdeeds.

    Civil wars are generally less severe than interstate wars, as measured in direct battle deaths. However, civil wars have been more frequent and lengthier, and the great majority of the recorded deaths in battle since the Cold War stem from civil wars. Furthermore, war can have a substantial indirect impact on human welfare beyond the direct loss of life. Studies have indicated that countries experiencing civil war suffer a pronounced decline in gross domestic product and never recover their earlier economic-growth trajectory. Civil wars also disrupt trade and investment and leave large social legacies in unemployed former combatants and displaced individuals. The negative consequences of civil war are not limited to the countries that experience them: neighbouring countries also suffer negative economic impacts and may be more prone to violence themselves.

    The War of Absurdism in Sudan
    Civil War and Revolution
    Matelda was astonished,
    And thus more enthusiastic,
    For more vigorous analysis.

    Scanning their short bloody history,
    She retrieved maps of horrific scenes,
    Reflecting horror of atrocity,
    That inflicted on indigenous occupants.
    Fear reigns with the tyrant,
    The poorest lived in abundance,
    The new rich occupants showed no mercy.
    Those who were forced across the seas,
    Set to serve under appalling conditions.
    Matelda Journal

    The War of Absurdism in Sudan
    Civil War and Revolution
    We are caught in a A vicious circle since our nation gained independence, swinging between military dictatorship and short corrupt civilian political parties.
    Amazing no matter what direction you take,
    seemed like you have done the stroll before.
    Just reaching the end and turn back and proceed to the opposite direction; you reach the same end before facing the same view,
    even the tiles of the books on the shelves were the same and the man serving drinks, the same man.
    My lady companion getting involved in this phenomenon joined and started pacing along the passage to and fro finding us in the same dimension.
    My lady could not comprehend, and we almost died of laughter.
    We felt as if we were brought through a third dimension leading to a conspicuous zone.

    Those brief moments, which I would have loved to prolong deeply in the dimension signifying either past or future life.

    A crazy idea popped in our mines simultaneously that we separate and stroll in opposite direction along the passage to test our theory and indeed we met at the same zone.

    Mohamed Yousif

Arabic Forum

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