Why Languages and genetics are not history toolsØŸ by Tarig Anter

Why Languages and genetics are not history toolsØŸ by Tarig Anter

09-05-2021, 05:24 PM

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Post: #1
Title: Why Languages and genetics are not history toolsØŸ by Tarig Anter
Author: Tarig Anter
Date: 09-05-2021, 05:24 PM

04:24 PM September, 05 2021

Sudanese Online
Tarig Anter-الخرطوم-السودان
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Different regions on Earth and in the Universe created different indigenous species of humans, plants, animals, microorganisms and structures without any foreign interference; as if they were living in different planets. Certainly, humans (with S) species do not migrate like birds, locust or fish.

The first couple of every nation sprouted from their own soil and water separately depending on the environment. Then they multiplied sexually. In addition, nations do not migrate or mix at all.

Humans are too many different and distinct species. It is true that humans are different creatures having apparent and deceptive similarities. Single origin and mass migrations are just religious and academic mythologies unsupported by any evidence or even logic and common sense.

Each nation got heavenly language, message, messengers and written or verbal holy book of their own. All messages are supposed to be local. However, all messages lead the nations to one eternal Religion.

The so-called Jews in Lemba of Zimbabwe or in Nigeria and elsewhere are certainly victims of slavery or colonization from small foreign bandits that erased their true history and replaced it with myth to justify and explain foreign attacks. Early and recent Jews are not Israelites at all; and there is no Israelites other than in Punt Lands on West and East of southern half of the Red Sea

The Amhara, Tigrinya and Tigre are ruling regimes created, installed, served, and collaborated with the Turkic Mongolian and Amorite regime of the Abbasids in looting and slavery that colonized Western and Eastern Punt Lands.

The Turkic Mongolian-Amorite Abbasids made the Amhara, Tigrinya and Tigre ruling regimes 300 years after the destruction and annihilation of Axum Empire of Greater Tigray in 930 AD on the hands of bandits of slaves led by a woman called Yodit. The defeat of Greater resulted in dividing it into lesser Tigray, Amhara, Tigrinya and Tigre

Amhara was Turkic Mongolians influenced. Tigrinya and Tigre were under Amorites and Sabaeans control. The Turkic Mongolian-Amorite-Sabaean differences between Amhara, Tigrinya and Tigre are still evident.

The greatest threat for Life is the Turkic Mongolian globally controlled media. All nations are under continuous attacks since 2400 BC from Turkic Mongolian bandits on horses. They are bandits and not nations. Nations must fight back and defeat these savage bandits.

Life is under great threats of the secretly declared WW3 from Turkic Mongolians. They are using pandemics, media, drugs, gender fluidity, Liberalism, Communism, Zionism, UN, EU, terrorism, institutional forgery of divine messages, regional conflicts, arms trade and controlled illegal migrations to destroy all nations and create their globalist hegemony.

The World was taking it easy since 2400 BC but now it is the end game. The whole world must confront the leadership of the Turkic Mongolians and the Amorites. This leadership of the gangs that secretly declared World War III is the Chinese Communist Party, which occupies the people and state of the Han.

The prevailing political system and the so-called Democracy must be corrected urgently. Nations need true and effective representative system, and not just corrupt political parties and fake and forged elections. Nations need Three Dimensional Democracy (3DD) by which every citizen elects three representatives for social, economic and political wider representation https://wp.me/p1OEJz-1NBhttps://wp.me/p1OEJz-1NB