Egypt – Overbearing Sudan’s Sovereignty is a Red Line Written by Saeed Adnan

Egypt – Overbearing Sudan’s Sovereignty is a Red Line Written by Saeed Adnan

04-19-2021, 02:06 AM


Post: #1
Title: Egypt – Overbearing Sudan’s Sovereignty is a Red Line Written by Saeed Adnan
Author: سعيد محمد عدنان
Date: 04-19-2021, 02:06 AM
Parent: #0

02:06 AM April, 18 2021

Sudanese Online
سعيد محمد عدنان-UK
My Library
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, London, UK
Egypt’ spin machine is never resting, pumping on the Sudanese space, a deluge of political patronisation of fake news and whitewash of poisonous propaganda in a form of blackmail, call it, coercion more likely. Many of YouTube clips are fervently overcast, way out of acceptance, befitting of a cancerous cockerel crowing day and night, over GERD filling conundrum it kept weaving..
What is becoming an uncouth drumming for warring with Ethiopia, turning into a strive to reignite the armed conflicts fuses in Sudan, with rabietic yelling of blatant threats to the Sudanese Sovereign.
Take today’s brazen set up of sedition in a rudely and sick strategy envisaged of how to inflame war and disaster all over Sudan.
Lutfi Zakaria, in his worst dared meandering, explained how he envisioned “A Disaster of not Bombing GERD When Sudan Unconsents to the Second Filling of the Dam”, warning Sudan:
Reminding Sudan Depends on Egypt Militarily
Referencing Sudan Mutual Defence Agreement with Egypt will embarrass Egypt if it hits GERD, where Sudan had already retrieved Al Fashaga, wouldn’t Sudan need Egypt’s soldiers there, yet keep up demanding “Halayib” from Egypt؟؟؟
Forget not Eritrea has a war with Sudan, too!
Ethiopia holding Sudan at ransom as it has good relations with South Sudan, while Ethiopia supports the North SLM in-arms, and is represented in the International Peace Keeping Force in Abyei; that especially after Al Sisi’s visit, Ethiopia armed the rebels there. That’s how Abdel Aziz Al Hilo and Abdul Wahid Mohammed Nur said to Al Burhan ‘No Juba No Nuba, only Addis’. So, no Abdel A. Al Hilo and nor A/Wahid M. Nur: no Leila Leila nor Nooa’ Noo a’ as Ismael Yassin says (mockingly)!
Darfur will rise and joins Chad
Russia is already scanning the region
Concluding that Sudan has to have a deal with Egypt by allowing Egypt to command the Sudanese Army and to take charge of its defences!!!!
Egypt, on top of this degenerate propagander, uses its clandestine lobby of fifth columnists in Sudan via the privilege of the integration accord between the two countries, to subvert the Sudanese vital security and strategic information to create a confusion and develop conflict; it then integrates it with a hand-on interference and action of dividing the nation and inflaming the tensions at the borders to suit her own strategy. There is nothing else behind this fake drumming of war than twisting the arms, no matter what it costs the others, to reap as much as she can of the Nile shares that those Military Chancers fancy.
GERD project had taken the normal legal and logistical planning of a project, had been discussed by the three Nile riparians, then had the Declaration of Principles Agreement signed.
The project program is thereby consummated.
What remained is filling the dam, not of steady Blue Nile flow, but from the seasonal flood that is not included in the water shares of the Riparians, and therefore so dealt with in the Declaration of Principles as that water is out of all the various Nile Water Shares Agreement.
There is also a pending issue of agreeing to revising the sharing system to include other riparians who had been ignored when those agreements were enforced by the Colonizers.
Those issues are easy to handle as they are a matter of co-ordination.
Egypt suddenly recanted and turned everything upside down as soon as Sudan old regime is overthrown and is in the delicate state of recouping its strength and unity, a first step to create a vortex to indulge the Coastal Strip into Chaos to reap undeserved spoils.
Before “Destruction of Sudan in the second filling” which is discussed above, all this hullaballoo started with articles of propaganda like (Strategic Deception; bomb it boss and we follow; Russia and GERD; Ingenious Solution for GERD, and Egypt gets 300 Billion M3 of Nile water. The Secret Word for Bombing Gerd. The Great Israeli Dam; Russia beats Joe Biden; Ahmed Ibrahim on lengthy bragging of Egypt’s colonisation of Africa, and spread of hatred towards Btitain, Lutfy Zadaria, Al Halazona etc).