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The Juba Peace Agreement after 17 Years of War in Darfur Optimism and Hopes for Peace Solutions in

08-29-2020, 08:11 PM
Mahmoud A. Suleiman
<aMahmoud A. Suleiman
Registered: 01-13-2014
Total Posts: 198

The Juba Peace Agreement after 17 Years of War in Darfur Optimism and Hopes for Peace Solutions in

    08:11 PM August, 29 2020

    Sudanese Online
    Mahmoud A. Suleiman-UK
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    اتفاق جوبا للسلام بعد 17 عامًا من الحرب في دارفور تفاؤل وآمال في حلول السلام في السودان

    I write referring to the above title during these historical moments, I cannot find more suitable words and the phrases that fulfill the great achievements that have been accomplished at the Peace Forum in Juba, the Capital City of the Republic of South Sudan, except that I have to present the English translated copy I have made of the article entitled: The Juba Agreement: After 17 years of war in Darfur, optimism and hopes for peace solutions in Sudan by Othman Abbaker Anu in his Facebook
    Here it is!
    The Juba Agreement: After 17 years of war in Darfur, optimism and hopes for peace solutions in Sudan Written by Ustaz Osman Abbaker Anu – copied the English translated version to the readers by Mahmoud A. Suleiman

    First of all, I bring a sincere greeting in particular to our people in Darfur, and to our people in Sudan in general, and obviously I cannot fail to have mercy on the soul of late living martyr Dr. Khalil Ibrahim Muhammed , founder of the Sudanese Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), and all the martyrs of the struggle and the heroic revolutionaries who paid their lives for the sake of the prosperity of this country, and May God release our prisoners of war (POWs), and greetings and thanks to the guerrilla leader, comrade Dr. Gabriel Ibrahim Muhammed, Leader of the Sudanese Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), and the supreme commander of its armed forces, and sincere friendliness and appreciation to all the executive and legislative bodies, officers, non-commissioned officers and heroic soldiers, and All members of the (JEM) in all over Sudan and outside it who have been on the mighty work of struggle, steadfastness and unabated sincere struggle over the past years, the fact known to Sudan and all over the world. One will find it there is no need for more details. Nevertheless, we do not forget our comrades and partners in the national struggle, their steadfastness and sacrifice, those sincere colleagues, leaders and members of the Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF), to all of you; I greet you in appreciation for the efforts you have made and your patience for the sake of the people of this beloved country.
    I must greet and appreciate our heroic Prisoners Of War (POW) who have been behind bars until now with great regret, and at this particular moment we give an important pause! In fact, the issue of the (POW) of the Sudanese Justice and Equality Movement EM) since the beginning of the war in Darfur until now is a fundamental issue to be part and parcel in the issue of the peace process that is currently going on; because they have made a lot of sacrifice and whose demands must be supported; these are not just demands, but the basic human right that remain as the first of the goals of "Peace, Freedom and justice," the triple slogans of the Glorious December Popular Sudanese Revolution. The (PWOs) are the real heroes of freedom, justice and peace. These prisoners and detainees who have been imprisoned in Sudan's prisons until now must be released immediately for several reasons, the most important of which is that the charge brought about by the Revolution. Against the accursed former government of deposed Omer al-Bashir all of Sudan citizens revolted. Thus, al-Bashir and his entourage have been overthrown. Therefore, there is no need for the (POWs) to remain in prisons under the revolution’s government because they are the first of the revolutionaries. The second reason is that the whole world released prisoners because of the "Covid 19" virus. But they are also until now still lying in all possibilities!
    Certainly, the foregoing treatments of the (POWs) are boundless violations, which require the internationalization of the issue of prisoners and the convicted in all possible ways, including the use of new mechanisms and struggle tools. These people were arrested and destroyed the flowers of their youth in the prisons of Sudan during the era of the dictator Omer al-Bashir, and some of them were liberated after decades and years of their lives. For many periods, while some of others are still Languishing in the former regime’s imprisons in Sudan.
    Frankly, these fighters with their steadfastness constitute the title of the cause of peace in Sudan. One hopes that this file needs to be urgently studied as required and promptly acted upon. And one hopes the release of all the political prisoners of War in the country in general and immediately.

    Frankly, we are living in an important stage in the history of our struggle, as well as a sensitive political transition phase in the homeland of Sudan, as you know, serious efforts are currently underway in the State of South Sudan to reach a peace agreement in Sudan between the transitional government, the Sudanese Revolutionary Front and the mediators, our hearts paint hope It expects satisfactory final results, in a way that achieves the aspirations, desires and hopes of the main and immediate owners of the cause in Darfur and all parts of Sudan, including comprehensive peace, prosperity, development, and change for the better.
    The results achieved from the negotiation rounds have been satisfactory so far, and our hope and our call are sincere that this agreement will endure and not be like its predecessors from the agreements that were signed and did not fulfill the main hopes and demands for many reasons and are known to all.
    Generally speaking, no two people disagree that peace is considered an urgent need and necessity not only for our people in Darfur, but in Sudan as a whole and in a very sensitive way, and peace is extremely important even for the southern part (sisterly South Sudan) and in the regional neighboring countries, and the reality is. One says that the search for peace is also considered a duty for all peace-loving people in our great homeland, because the citizens have suffered from displacement, instability, social and political insecurity, internal displacement, asylum seeing, killing and destruction of infrastructure, the spread of terror and all causes of destruction and devastation, economic collapse and deterioration of the Patriotism.
    Furthermore, one thinks the conditions for signing this agreement, which is currently underway, are very sensitive in terms of the internal facts, the political and popular situation of the Sudanese street, as well as the data and estimates of the situation of neighboring countries, the most important of which is the State of South Sudan, followed by Chad, Egypt, Libya, and the regional climate in general. The variable and sensitive, and the players directly and indirectly in the dossier of this agreement, which is going through the most important stage in its history. This agreement is at the watershed point and in an issue that everyone has been waiting for with great passion.
    The power-sharing agreement between the parties is fraught with many challenges; First; The challenge of the place and the agreement makers itself, yes I say it simply, at the beginning of the agreement and with regard to making the platform in Juba, that was a path of thought in the belief that Juba does not have all the appropriate conditions for taking this agreement out as it is supposed, in terms of "qualitative and other capabilities" and the implications of its implementation And its future sales, although the State of South Sudan is one of the most important countries in this file, explicitly and in fact, the issue of peace in Northern Sudan does not lack its neighboring details, South Sudan, but during the period of policy development in Sudan and from the period of the beginning of the transitional government to the present time. And with certain estimates, the state of South Sudan was evaluated and presented the honor of hosting despite the circumstances, and things are proceeding satisfactorily so far, and we hope that there will be a positive and satisfactory end to all parties. In this climate, the members of the Revolutionary Front and prominent leaders in the negotiations led the process as required until the moment and mediation as well, and they are politically, diplomatically and morally qualified to carry out this work and deal with it as required with all comrades and partners.

    The necessity of stopping the war and establishing peace in the homeland of Sudan at the present time has remained a strategic issue since the outbreak of the civil war in the Torit region in southern Sudan, known at the time as the Torit rebellion before the country's independence from British colonialism. Therefore, peace issues in the country are not new.
    There is no civil or military government that has passed through Sudan, unless the war and the peace issue were the stumbling block in which it failed, and led the country to ruin and bankruptcy throughout its history as we know, but rather it helps the masses in central Sudan to overthrow dictatorships after their coffers are exhausted due to wars in the periphery. And the regions and the disbursement of all the country's resources in this project, which encourages destruction, hatred and civil war, which led to suffocation of the citizen economically, in terms of conditions of living, social stability and politically freedom.
    Civilian governments in Sudan have twice failed in the country to achieve sustainable peace despite attempts to hold a “round table” summit following the October Revolution in 1964, as well as the “Kokadam” conference and the “Mirghani Garang agreement” after the April 1985 uprising. All these stages are present in the memory of Sudanese politics.
    Now, after the overthrow of the dictator Omer Hassan al-Bashir, whose era had reached its maximum extent in the history of Sudan, during his reign the separation of the south, the crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide in Darfur, and war crimes in Blue Nile and South Kordofan, as well as Sudan in general in terms of resource surveying Nationalism, its loss, the paralysis of the economy, the collapse of the currency, the administrative and financial corruption, and other troubles.
    Now the Sudanese political forces are facing the challenge of achieving peace in the country again, and the passionate question is on the horizon. Will the experience today between the Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF) and the transitional government overcome the failure of the past or reproduce the episodes of the past؟ We hope that the parties benefit from the lessons of the past and devote all ideas in order to reach an agreement that ends all crises.
    One believes that the issue of peace in Sudan is the defining, essential, fundamental, and crucial issue for the country, and it cannot be addressed in isolation from talking about the roots of the crisis, and the reasons that led to the lifting of arms in the face of the previous authority, and finding effective solutions to it, and it is very necessary to acknowledge the historical grievances that It fell on some peoples at the expense of others, restoring their honor, and endeavoring to address all forms of marginalization and exclusion within the framework of the state of equal citizenship, as well as without neglecting to address the consequences of war from accurate individual and collective compensation for the displaced and refugees, the main and direct stakeholders, and victims of the previous regime from the policies that It supported and encouraged the civil war, as well as privatization and negative disparities in public money and the public interest, in addition to restructuring state institutions according to new firm national constitutional foundations, holding those involved in genocide, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity accountable, then cooperating with the International Criminal Court (ICC) Side by side to hand over wanted persons to international justice.
    Frankly, war crimes are not forgiven or forgotten, and Sudan in the past is not like Sudan today. Everyone should know that the time has come for all people to return to their normal size and know each direction to its supposed extent and straight ways of life. We must adhere to the principles of freedom, peace, justice, democracy, tolerance, solidarity, cooperation, pluralism, cultural diversity, dialogue and understanding at all levels in all programs in Sudan.
    One would also think that comprehensive peace in Sudan is an intended and compulsory choice, in order to reach the final peace. Moreover, one also thinks that our Sudanese memory today is burdened with many painful images of wars and massacres committed by the defunct regime in Darfur and Sudan. Indeed, just giving up the bloody history of the previous regime and the hatred of members and supporters of his party is in itself a noble act, lessons and encouraging for the next stage. We must know that once our thoughts and feelings are cleaned from this dark history, it is in itself a humanitarian message and a way to build a lasting and sustainable peace. When we search for our social and natural form and our own nature, we must try all possibilities for victory over this aggression that took place on the people of Darfur in the past, with new tools and humane mental measures, the most important of which is “tolerance and recognition of rights,” which is considered a form of effective resistance to the ugliness of the National Congress Party (NCP) regime and its aides. We have to understand that tolerance, forgiveness and positivity is an act that saves a person from the activity of his actions, and that it opens up new horizons and ways for him to the future and to be free from the consequences of his actions and get rid of their weight on his shoulders. Evil is a human act and does not go out of the human world, as it originates from man and falls on man, and it is with all its manifestations a human act and decision, and its elimination is also by a human act and decision. It is not difficult, what a person and human beings did in the past from people, and what ends that now also is a group of the people, we only need a strong will, a bit of patriotism, a spirit of positivity, tolerance and recognition.
    There is nothing left except that one keeps praying and repeat the prayer to the Almighty God to crown the peace process in the homeland of Sudan with success and to keep it away from foreign and individual conspiracies and interference, the demonstrators with affection and the dreamers of all causes of discord, may God protect Sudan and the people of Sudanese.
    Othman Abbaker Anu, Leader in the Sudanese Justice and Equality Movement / Chad office
    [email protected]

    Dr. Mahmoud A. Suleiman is an author, columnist and a blogger. His blog is http://thussudan.wordpress.com/http://thussudan.wordpress.com/


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