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BOOK 2 on Quranic Scientific Study By: Saeed M. Adnan

06-28-2020, 07:48 PM
سعيد محمد عدنان
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BOOK 2 on Quranic Scientific Study By: Saeed M. Adnan

    07:48 PM June, 28 2020

    Sudanese Online
    سعيد محمد عدنان-UK
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    – London – U.K.

    MIRACLE 2: sura 36, verse 40: “Neither the night overtaking the day”
    Day and night are commonly known to be alternating.
    But God revealed a different phenomenon, where new meanings were to be realised in the essence of what follows which: that the very reality of the night is a darkness resulting from the barring of light, or a blindness resulting from barring light factors that help feel it, be it visible rays or rays beyond or below the light rays, which means are possessed by some animals or harnessed to mechanisms manufactured by man. All those rays are energy in various forms, which can also be transformed to matter, which has weight. Theory of Relativity states that energy and matter are interchangeable (as in atomic explosion and/ or implosion).
    So here, God prove how He started the creation, which we came to realise only lately by extensive studies of the Big Bang (or as recently re-named, the Big Transformation), which started with a huge energy (naturally of a value, but no volume), as science proved that gravity (from neutrons) and distances (created by Hydrogen ionization, as will later be explained) were formed from energy, according to Einstein, by a simple equation of transformation. So, when energy had exploded, or suddenly transformed (which is a secret of the Creation and the Creator), it released all forms of heat energy, electromagnetic energy, electronic and radiation energies, which then began to intermix (in the absence of space); that went on up to the complete reunion of the negative electronic particles to form an electron, and the positive electronic particles and neutrons to form a positive mass proton, where its matter is stored (as positive stationary light energy photon). Next, electronic quarks (mini-parts) building up to form an electron, would feature their attraction and repulsion with the protons. Then, distances began to be created from their sudden repulsion from each other, then speed was gained via an axial translation of orbits, which is two dimensional; when rays began to travel, they perpendicularly transported that two dimensional axial translation, thus forming a three dimensional enclave, which is a unit of volume. This unit of volume, with all its united elements of electrons, neutrons and protons, forms the family of the atom. That’s how distances and volumes are generated to create matter. Then, with rays crossing distances, some protons, by gaining speed, would transform to light energy. The remaining atoms would then begin uniting to start forming the planets, and their gravitational pulls start the process of orbiting around one another. Thus, we can call it the beginning of the creation, of earths and skies. The light story is its journey beginning with its photon speed starts from zero at creation, then, progressively getting consumed diminishing to zero (and that stabilizes the speed of light) where the rest of the photons in the form of protons inside the formed matter remain preserved in forms of matter. When that matter is provoked by huge gravities of a dying planet, resulting from a neutron star, it starts to transform to increase energy of light in its speed until it reaches its maximum speed, consuming all the protons in the matter, and surrenders its neutrons on the neutron star; that, in turn, builds it up more and more till it becomes a black hole. Time is created from the creation of light when it starts its speed, and ends at the black hole where its speed is maximum.
    God say: “He then summoned the sky while it was smoke and told it and the earth to voluntarily or forcefully surrender; they said we voluntarily11 surrender, so He deemed them seven skies in two days and Revealed to each sky its order and We decorated the lower sky with lamps and protection: such a design by the Great and Most Knowing12”, sura 41, verses 11, 12.
    According to the Great Transformation (or Big Bang) theory, that phase continued for the first 300,000 years of creation, whence the light-propelled unionized atoms caused formation of the cosmic dust. Unionized atoms of hydrogen around the earlier formed galaxies, made them look foggy during light barring by unionized hydrogen, making it look like smoke. Light ultraviolet rays then impinged on the foggy unionid hydrogen atoms, ionizing them by removing their electrons to orbit their photonic protons, transforming photons form to light on motion travelling unbarred. Those lit surfaces of planets suddenly emerge from the foggy galaxies, telling scientists of the dates and other secrets of their transformational history.
    The ionized hydrogen atoms meet oxygen atoms and form water, which is the earliest creation from cosmic dust, and is what God told us in Sura 11, verse 7
    The atoms of water and cosmic dust then attract more of the same, that heavenly bodies are formed, and they start intercepting light from others, AND THAT IS WHEN NIGHT IS BORN, followed by more such nights, while all before then was light on light: THUS NIGHT FORMED FROM DAY BARRING COULD HAVE NEVER OVER TAKEN IT.
    God say in Sura 36, verse 37: “and a sign for them, we skin day off night and they are in darkness”
    What is the sign or miracle of “the skinning of the day off the night”, and how does it happen to make darkness fall؟
    Let us not forget that night does not precede day, and that the whole creation started as energy, the first transformation following that being changing it to matter and motion responsible of releasing light, which is day. Night is not a primary creation, as before energy’s creation there was nothing, even space. It is a result of space and light that light after being barred, darkness (viz., night) is created.
    Once more, He reiterated that in Sura7, verse 54 “the night earnestly chases the day claiming it”
    That is not the only way we humans observe it, that the night breathlessly chases the day to catch in vain, but via another evidence, a phase evidence that shone before us, where our ancestors knew nothing about, which is the discovery of the black hole (cemetery of the universe after its eternal journey, where all the planets and energy are swallowed; and it is tagged ‘black’ because in its huge gravity not even light escapes it, and is terminally arrested there. It thus loses all its qualities of motion and stays a stock of photons. The light cannot travel back against the hole’s gravity, light ceases to glow, and the hole becomes dark (black, after the day light is skinned off it).
    Sura 7, verse 57, sura 25, verse 59
    In these two verses, He declared the creation took 6 days (which is 300000 years, where the size of day mentioned in Quran is 50,000 years– sura 70, verse 4)
    After the 6 days of creation, He created the throne (and levelled on it, not that the throne was there He was then able to level on it, because nothing is impossible for God, and we cannot perceive it was there before its creation for we cannot perceive what was there before creation so as to be addressed of)
    And the meaning of ‘levelled’ is very important for perceiving the creation of earth in the following verses:
    Sura 79, verses 27 to 32: “Are you abler creators than He who built the skies27 He raised its thickness He made it 28 He darkened its night and brought out its morning 29 And the earth He then levelled 30 He sprang out its waters and its grass 31 And the mountains He anchored 32 ”
    Sura 50, verse 7 “And the earth We extended and threw on its anchors, and grew on it of every dyad a beauty”
    God point out to the giving of a thickness to the skies (by giving them their third dimension), which happened after the Big Bang, not during it. Then came the sorting out of the various types of energy: electrons (-ve charges), neutrons (where all gravity), and protons (+ve charges, where all energy and matter is stored), for founding darkness of their nights and giving birth to its mornings.
    That, scientifically is as follows: The electronic units interact by repulsion: photons group up and attract electrons to spin fast around them, creating a centrifugal repulsion away from the centre, which is the thickness mentioned. This is the door to volume, and to the family of the atom (creation of matter), a beginning of creation of universe (or universes)[notice: at the end of life of that atom, the planet it is in would be sucked in a neutron star – a black hole- where its gravity (neutron) adds to the neutron star’s gravity, and the energy is totally photons – because of no more speed – and sum up with all other protons in the star]. As to the space, it leaves to join the space in the remaining universe, till all are sucked up with the remaining universe in a black hole. The black holes would devour one another and it all boils down to a gigantic one, theoretically, as with all this available science, we don’t know whether there are those many holes than we know, or their number (invisible because of their darkness); but a strong light emerges from its other end, the side of creation, called quasar.
    Thus, that vacuum, i.e. space, is a beginning to start forming a volume with matter and would be levelled by Almighty God. And with the levelling of the speed of light, atomic matrices join to form lumps of matter and take shape, THUS ALL CREATION HAPPENS, all from the levelling of the third dimension afore the skies are formed (being the vicinity around us of planets and nebulae - supernovae). The space that is released from a planet or a star performing a supernova (explosion), en route to giving birth to a neutron star, and later a black hole; and out of the nebulae of that supernova new smaller planets and stars form. According to new discoveries, the universe is not only one nor is time. Each universe, with its own time, is created from one Big Bang and is levelled with its time that stays with it till it is devoured by a black hole, when its time would stop. How all those universes times are held, is not possible to know, and hence it is a will of God alone.
    The charge coming out of the other end of a black hole would explode again and attain a third dimension – thickness – to form a new universe with its own time to level, starting with Twifallow (Duha: morning) after its 6 days of creation.
    Early heavenly bodies were formed from lumps of atom groups from creation, by attracting one another via their gravitational pulls from their neutrons. Larger and larger lumps were thus formed until a planet or a star is formed. The pressure of the weight the piles added from their gravitational pull to the centre of the planet becomes heavier the more it is closer to the centre of the planet. Heat of formation preserved, added to it further incomplete reactions from materials reactive with others exothermically keeps the core molten. Random heavenly bodies impinging on that planet add weight and, transported heat from the body and heat from friction with the planet’s atmosphere. The planet’s surfaces cools by radiation and evaporation of its volatile matter, like water, while the centre remains molten in the superheat. The surface slowly solidifies forming a thin layer (scum) on top, which is the earth crust (and oceans bed) for that planet. It exactly resembles the dough when spread flat, as God described it(drum sheeting is a process of using heated turning drums to spread layers of soft dough on their surface, from a dough trough, baking it and delivering it sheets of thin layer of flakes, like the Kisra production in Sudan), or corn flakes. God described this process, not in earth, but in earth crust formation, and same for all other planets’ crusts.
    Water generated in that crust from its reactions mixed with other minerals and salts, separates away by evaporation into clouds of vapour escaping the crust by heat, then cooling in upper stratospheres then condensing as rain. This way fresh drinking water is supplied, some of it stored in lakes or underground springs and rivers, which all provide life for the living in the planet starting with grass and plants – thus He made it give its own water and its own grass.
    The mountains being anchored: as the crust is floating on the molten material of the core, and as its different parts have different conductivities of heat due to the domination of the different surfaces conductive materials they are formed of, the temperature of the crust would differ from one surface to the other. The cooler ones solidify quicker, and act as wedges for runaway pieces of softer surfaces, wherein happens slippings of crust layers on the wedge layer, thus building a mound lump, which is a baby mountain. This cool spot, thus becoming even a better dissipater of heat by virtue of its increased outer surface over its base in the convectional zone, which is still the same as before, deems it better dissipater of heat, making the molten material under the whole crust get best cooling at bottom of that mountain, and so heat best escapes in the that spot, and the molten matter there adds more and more upwards and downwards. So, the mountain’s growth is reciprocated at its bottom too, which acts as an anchor in that sea of lava (actually science discovered that the depth of the growth under the mountain is a reversed mountain of a size seven times as the height of the mountain on top of the crust). So, it is an anchor like that of a large ship in the ocean.
    that will be the material of the third book, together with THE BEGINNING OF HUMAN CREATION.

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