Sudan PM , Will he be the pride of his peopleØŸ by Ismail Abdallah

Sudan PM , Will he be the pride of his peopleØŸ by Ismail Abdallah

08-28-2019, 00:46 AM


Post: #1
Title: Sudan PM , Will he be the pride of his peopleØŸ by Ismail Abdallah
Author: اسماعيل عبد الله
Date: 08-28-2019, 00:46 AM
Parent: #0

00:46 AM August, 27 2019

Sudanese Online
اسماعيل عبد الله-الامارات
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After he has been sworn on as Sudan PM , Hamdouk promised to refresh the economy by depending on production and manufacturing, rather than waiting to receive donations from abroad , though some financial experts called him an optimistic man who exaggerated his assessments and speculations about the challenges that he will face in the near future , especially the existence of corrupted cadres of NCP party, who are still occupying key posts in the state , precisely in the judiciary institutions.
Sudan is one of the African countries which has great potentials, in the fields of agriculture , oil and gold mining , it’s not the lack of economic experts and scholars that why it is still crippling and not able to overcome the obstacles of poverty and civil war, in fact what has destroyed the country is the political unrest and the conflicts of interest between the individuals of political parties of all the previous regimes, since the time of colonialists departure the Sudanese elites have failed to achieve a real social reconciliation that can result in stopping civil war permanently.
According to the sayings which are related with scholars of political science , a successful regime is that one which targets improvements in economy and works hard to increase the level of production , rather than following the agendas of politics , the same thing that Mr Hamdouk had said in his press conference: ( we will not follow any type of those well known economic orientations , we will pursue a pragmatic vision in order to save our deteriorating economic situation) , by declaring so , Sudan’s new prime minister has stated very clearly that his country is experiencing a new phase of governmental policies and plans , also it seemed very obvious from his speech that he is working hard to avoid any involvement in ideological dilemma.
The fundamental question which has not been answered by Sudanese politicians since the independence is : how can we rule our countryØŸ, and from some points of views of so many civil and political activists , our country is in a serious need of a real federation (Not that fake federation which has been imposed by the regime which has been over thrown) , a country like Sudan which has an interesting variety in soil , weather , people and culture , must not be ruled by few members of centered elite in the capital (KHARTOUM) , the matter which is considered as one of the main factors, that had led to these horrible and vast standard of corruption, humanitarian disasters and caused the current uncontrollable inflation and the instability of foreign exchange rate.
Mr.Hamdouk the Sudanese economic expert who became a PM, after a popular revolution that has thrown away one of the famous dictators in Africa , he and his expected team of ministers are facing a tough and sophisticated patriotic exam , they are monitored by a revolutionary generation who never gives up, it’s a stubborn generation that will continue his rallies which consist of millions of protestors, to put an end to any coming regime that will not respect the message of December revolution’s martyrs.
Ismail Abdallah
[email protected]